Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
presents a new method for three-dimensional modelling of 
breaklines. It is based on a pair wise intersection of over- 
lapping robust surface elements (determined with the help 
of irregular distributed points) along the breaklines. Af- 
ter an introduction into the basic concept the paper fo- 
cuses on the adaption to the modelling of unclassified ALS 
data, which allows the determination of breaklines even in 
wooded areas. Furthermore, the integration of additional 
data (e.g. information from digital images) into the mod- 
elling process is treated. For the modelling a 2D approx- 
imation of the breakline is essential. Therefore a further 
section concentrates on procedures for the automatic de- 
termination of these initial values. An examples section 
demonstrates the practical use of the presented methods 
and the integration of breaklines into the classification (fil- 
tering) process for DTM determination. À short summary 
with an outlook on further development issues concludes 
the paper. 
Up to now the research in the arca of breakline extrac- 
tion from ALS data concentrated on the development of 
methods for the fully automatic 2D detection of breaklines. 
For this aim image processing techniques were usually used 
(c.g. first derivatives (Gomoes-Percira and Wicherson 1999), 
gradient images (Sui 2002), Laplacian operator (Gomes- 
Pereira and Janssen 1999)). A summary of some of these 
and other methods and an additional new method based on 
hypothesis testing (homogeneity measure: quadratic vari- 
ation) can be found in (Brügelmann 2000). In general 
these raster based algorithms are applied to a previously 
generated (filtered) DTM. The result of these detection 
methods are pixels marked as edge pixels. In a further 
raster to vector conversion 2D breaklines can be gener- 
ated. 'This conversion includes at large some smoothing 
in order to eliminate zigzag effects caused by the raster 
structure. The height of the breakline is independently 
extracted from a slightly smoothed vegetation free DTM 
at the planimetric position of the detected breakline. 
Published experiments show quite interesting results for 
the 2D extraction. Especially vegetation free breaklines 
on dikes can be extracted quite well in 2D, but certain 
breaklines are only partly detected or some of them were 
not detected at all. Another problem of these methods 
is that they operate only in 2D and just interpolate the 
height from a more or less smoothed D'TM, which can be 
eventually affected by classification errors caused by the 
DTM generation process (see remarks in the section 1). 
The height of the breakline is computed totaly independent 
from the determination of the 2D position. However, for 
a high quality modelling a method which allows a full 3D 
determination of the breakline within one process has to be 
preferred. A basic concept, which allows a 3D refinement 
of approximately 2D detected or just manually measured 
breaklines, was already published in (Kraus and Pfeifer 
2001) and (Briese et al. 2002). In the following sections 
extensions based on this basic idea, allowing the modelling 
of breaklines on the basis of unclassified original ALS point 
clouds, are presented. 
I'he modelling should be performed on the basis of the 
original point cloud in order to use all possible information 
and to exclude preprocessing steps, which can lead to a 
quality reduction (e.g. re-sampling of the point cloud into 
a regular grid or classification (filter) errors during DTM 
determination). Additionally to a high quality modelling, 
the algorithm should deliver accuracy measures in order to 
get an estimation about the quality of the 3D modelling. 
In the following subsection the basic principles of the break- 
line modelling method are presented. Step by step the 
method will be extended in order to cope with specific 
ALS problems (off-terrain points are considered in subsec- 
tion 3.2). Furthermore the integration of additional in- 
formation sources (e.g. image data) is considered in sub- 
section 3.3. The basic modelling concept presented in this 
section is a semi-automated breakline modelling procedure 
for which a rough 2D approximation of the breakline is nec- 
essary. Concepts, which allow to overcome this limitation, 
will be presented in section 4. 
3.1 Basic Concept 
Basically, the breakline is described as the intersection line 
of continuously overlapping analytic surface patch pairs 
(compare figure 2). The determination of the patch pairs 
is performed with the help of a simultaneous adjustment 
of both analytic surface pairs supported by the point cloud 
data within a buffer zone around the approximative break- 
line. The access to the ALS points within this buffer zone 
is performed with the help of a topographic database. Be- 
fore the intersection the point data is classified on the basis 
of the rough 2D approximation of the breakline into left 
and right point groups. 
Left patches 
Figure 2: Basic concept for the description of breaklines 
with the help of intersecting patch pairs determined on 
the basis of surrounding point cloud data; Left: Ground 
view of overlapping patch pairs; Right: Perspective view 
of a reduced number of patch pairs (overlapping pairs are 
removed) with their point cloud support. 
For the left and right patches we used intersecting plane 
pairs, which should approximate the left and right sur- 
face tangent plane as good as possible. Within the 3D 
modelling procedure the approximation of the breakline 
is refined step by step (this leads to a reclassification of 
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