Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Summarising the types of iterations within the whole break- 
line determination procedure, iterations per patch pair for 
the robust estimation have to be distinguished from ad- 
ditionally iterations per breakline. Robust estimation is 
performed for each patch pair until the influence of all off- 
terrain points is reduced as much as possible. On the other 
hand the iterations per breakline, which perform a reclas- 
sification of all ALS points into left and right points on the 
basis of the refined breakline, lead to an iterative refine- 
ment of the breakline. It is performed until no significant 
change of the breakline can be recognised. 
3.3 Integration of Additional Observations 
A benefit of the proposed method is that additional infor- 
mation within the breakline modelling procedure can be 
introduced. Further observation equations can be easily 
integrated in the adjustment for the determination of the 
surface patches. 
This extension allows the integration of both, high quality 
2D breakline information (e.g. given by manual measure- 
ment using image data) and high quality height informa- 
tion from ALS data within one process. The influence of 
the different observations can be easily controlled by an 
additional weight factor that depends on the individual 
observation accuracy. Furthermore the same additional 
equations allow the consideration of the accuracy of the 
2D approximation of the breakline. 
As mentioned before, the method introduced for 3D break- 
line modelling with the help of unclassified ALS data re- 
lies on a 2D approximation of the breakline. Therefore the 
following subsections concentrate on methods, which allow 
the determination of this initial values. Basically, two ba- 
sic concepts can be distinguished in the area of automated 
breakline extraction. 
The main group of algorithms tries to extract (generally in 
2D) the whole breakline within one process (cf. section 2). 
In contrast to these methods a different concept for the 
automatic or at least semi-automatic breakline modelling 
is presented in the following. It is based on 3D breakline 
growing and tries to overcome the must of the modelling 
method presented in section 3 of a entire 2D approxima- 
tion of the breakline. For the start of the growing pro- 
cedure the approximation of one breakline segment (one 
point near the breakline and the approximative breakline 
direction, cf. section 4.1) or just one point near the line (cf. 
section 4.2) is necessary. The growing is performed with 
the help of the ALS point cloud stored in a database. 
4.1 3D Breakline Growing on the basis of a Start 
This subsection presents the 3D breakline growing scheme 
on the basis of a 2D start segment (e.g. manually digi- 
tised). Based on this start segment the 3D breakline within 
this segment, is determined with the help of robust surface 
patches. Afterwards the growing into both directions on 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 6: Scheme for automated breakline growing (for- 
ward and backward) with the help of à start segment 
basis of the refined segment (forward and backward, cf. 
figure 6) is performed. This growing method proceeds in 
both breakline directions in the following way: 
1. Compute the patch pair with the help of robust sur- 
face patches (cf. section 3) and store the results. In 
the first step the initial segment (L1/R;) and in the 
following steps the extrapolated patch areas (Lin/Rib 
and L;r/R;r) are used. 
2. Compute the boundary for the next patch pair on the 
basis of the previous line direction (extrapolation). 
3. Export the unclassified ALS data within the new patch 
boundary from the database. 
This growing procedure (step 1 to 3) is continued until the 
adjustment is unsuccessful or a certain break off point (e.g. 
threshold for the intersection angle between both surface 
pairs) is reached. 
4.2 3D Breakline Growing on the basis of one 
In à similar way breakline growing based on just one ini- 
tial 2D point next to the breakline can be performed. For 
this extension the breakline direction must be estimated 
in à first additional step. For this aim a lot of different 
approaches (e.g. determination of the maximum curvature 
based on differential geometry in the surrounding of the 
start point) can be considered. In the example, presented 
in figure 7, an adjusting quadric, supported by the ALS 
points near the start point, is used. 'The determination of 
the breakline direction can be easily performed by an anal- 
ysis of the main axis transformation. The approximation 
of the breakline direction is given by the eigenvector of the 
smallest eigenvalue (cf. figure 7). Afterwards the breakline 
growing can be performed with the help of the procedure 
presented in the previous section. 
This section demonstrates the capabilities of the presented 
methods for breakline modelling and growing. An addi- 
tional section shows the improvement of the integration 
of breaklines within the classification (filtering) process 
for DTM generation using ALS data. Most of the re- 
sults were obtained within a test project initiated by the 
German federal agency for hydrology ("Bundesanstalt fiir 
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