Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
° E2=-0.0002 
Figure 7: Determination of the breakline direction 
(eigenvector of the smallest eigenvalue, in this example 
E2) with the help an adjusting quadric on the basis of the 
ALS point cloud. 
5.1 Modelling based on a 2D Breakline Approxi- 
The example in this section presents the result of a 3D 
breakline modelling procedure based on original unclas- 
sified ALS data. Figure 8 shows the intermediate steps 
within the modelling procedure starting with a rough ap- 
proximation of the breakline (upper part of the image). In 
the next step the boundary for the data selection and the 
ALS point cloud within this area (black dots) can be seen. 
In the lowest part of the figure the refined 3D modelled 
breakline is presented. In this example the size of the sur- 
face patches was 5m (along the breakline) by 10m (across 
the breakline). The overlap between neighbouring patches 
was 50 percent. 
Figure 8: Work flow (beginning at the top) of the 3D 
modelling based on a 2D approximation of the breakline 
demonstrated on a practical example. The middle part 
shows the buffer zone around the breakline approximation 
and the ALS point cloud (black dots) inside this area. In 
the lowest picture the refined robustly estimated breakline 
is presented. 
5.2 Modelling based on 3D Breakline Growing 
The demonstration of the 3D breakline growing (cf. sec- 
tion 4) is presented on the previous breakline example. 
The growing in this example (cf. figure 9) is performed 
into both directions. The final resulting breakline can be 
inspected in the lowest part of the figure. The break off 
point is defined by an intersection angle smaller than 10 
degrees. The patch size is 10m by 10m with 50 percent 
overlap between neighbouring patches. This results in a 
breakline description with a point distance of 5m. The 
patch size for the growing is bigger than in the previous 
example in order to make the process more robust. The 
result can be refined (if necessary) in a further modelling 
Figure 9: Breakline growing (beginning at the top) based 
on a manual digitised start segment. 
5.3 Integration of Breaklines within the Terrain 
Determination Process (Filtering) 
A small example for the consideration of breaklines within 
the filtering process is presented in figure 10. The derived 
DTM shows a high quality enhancement in the areas of 
sharp ridges due to the explicit 3D modelling of the break- 
lines. For the DTM generation robust interpolation (cf. 
(Kraus and Pfeifer 1998)) was used. Within this process 
the previous determined breaklines were considered to be 
free of gross errors. The final DTM of this example has a 
hybrid raster data structure. 
This paper presents a method for 3D modelling of break- 
lines based on the original unclassified ALS point cloud. 
The modelling is performed with the help of robustly esti- 
mated surface patch pairs along the breakline. The elim- 
ination of the influence of off-terrain points within this 
estimation process works in a fully automated way and 
adapts itself to the data. This modelling starts from a 2D 
approximation of the breakline, which is iteratively refined. 
Additional observations (e.g. acquired using image data) 
can be easily integrated into the modelling procedure. A 
further section focuses on methods for the automatisation 
of the whole process.

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