In the following a framework is presented, that allows to
do matching of points and lines across multiple oriented
images in a unified manner, by proposing the use of spatial
filters that do not operate in the image domain, but use the
known orientation to operate in the scene domain at the
earliest possible stage. In doing so, not only unification is
achieved, but also the effects of using radiometric image
information are isolated, allowing more control over the
use of intensity information in the matching process. Even
the possibility of not using intensity information at all is
given, allowing the fully automatic reconstruction based on
geometric information alone as it is required in the scene
depicted in figure 1.
In order to exploit the full geometric knowledge provided
by the feature extraction, the statistical properties of the
extracted features are used throughout the whole match-
ing process, enabling the construction and operation on
graphs, that represent the statistical relations between the
A prerequisite for feature matching is the extraction. The
task of feature extraction from single images is well under-
stood and many approaches are available (c.f. (Förstner,
1994), (Smith and Brady, 1997), (C.G. Harris, 1988), (Canny,
1986)). Even the statistical properties of the extracted fea-
tures, i.e. points and lines, are obtainable as presented in
(Fórstner, 1994). If you know the exterior and interior ori-
entation of the camera used, the uncertain projecting ray
for every point and the uncertain projecting plane for ev-
ery line segment can be computed according to (Heuel and
Fórstner, 2001). If you also know a lower and an upper
bound on the distance of the depicted object from the cam-
era, which is very simple accessible in many applications
including aerial imagery, the locus of an image point x in
space is a space line segment s together with its uncertainty
25s and the locus of an image line segment / in space is a
space quad q together with its uncertainty Mq. Thus fea-
ture extraction in oriented images yields not only a set of
image features together with a reference to the generating
Ipg == {(m HL) == 1..N) U ft; 1 = 1.M}
but also a set of space objects together with their uncertain-
Spp m (0 li= 1. NU, 5, Wi=1.M]
Note, that there is a one-to-one mapping
srg: Srp — Ig
between the two sets, associating each space object with
its generating image object.
In this framework all processing is done by filtering ob-
jects in the spatial domain. This means, that starting from
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
a set of space objects obtained from the set of images as
described in the feature extraction section above, different
filters are applied yielding increasingly complex space ob-
jects. More precisely a spatial filter is an algorithm
that takes a number of space objects as input and generates
some different space objects as output. Again a mapping
$038 927
can be provided, that associates every space object with the
source space objects, that were used in the filter to generate
it. Therefore every application of a spatial filter generates
one more level in a source tree of the space objects. Two
filters are proposed to yield the matches of points and lines
over multiple views.
3.1 Pairwise Grouping
The first step is a pairwise matching of the objects. In order
to do this, a graph
Gra = (Sre. Epa)
induced by the statistical incidence relation (c.f. (Fôrstner
and Heuel, 2000)) is constructed. The vertices of that graph
are the space objects and an edge is inserted between two
vertices p and q, if and only if there is no reason to reject
the statistical hypothesis, that the space objects p and q in-
tersect each other. The edge set is thus denoted by
Epa = l(p.q)|p. a € Syg ^ intersect(p,q))
Every edge in this graph represents a possible match be-
tween two image objects, that is not contradictory to the
scene geometry. If the image intensity information is to
be included in the algorithm, an intensity based distance
d: Ipg X lrg — R
must be introduced and those graph edges have to be pruned,
that do not comply with the distance measure, i.e. the edge
set is adjusted using an intensity distance threshold T'as
Epa = {(p,q) € Epc|d(sr.(p), spg(q)) « T]
Most matching techniques, including the classical corre-
lation based and least squares approaches, are focused on
the development of powerful and robust intensity distance
measures (c.f. (Schmid and Mohr, 1997) and (Schmid and
Zisserman, 1997)).
As pointed out in the introduction, there are certain con-
ditions, that do not allow any pruning at this stage. Since
no possible matches should be lost at this early stage of
processing, the full edge set is used here and no pruning
is performed. The resulting filtered set is thus obtained by
taking every edge of G pc; and constructing the intersecting
object from its end-vertices space objects. Thus the filter
returns the set
SPG = {(c(p, q), De P. q) € Epa}
where c!
objects «
scribed i
simply a
3.2 Mi
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