Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

These local coordinates are defined as follows: uy (M zx 
An (M) sre / iq are: ^ > 1 srsecti ^ 1 
FE where A; (M) is the area of the intersection (region 
marked as V on Figure 2) of the “old” tile of Ox and the “new” 
tile of M. 
+ 3 
e O2 
Figure 2: Natural neighbour interpolation 
The vectorial expression for the Voronoi vertex (circumcentre) of 
Oi, Oj, and M is: 
O:;+1 M - OM 2 
E EUER EE 41. 
— ———— 
Uiil = Mii+1L + 
€ = 7 ^ 4 
D idm : OM 
where mi,;..1 is the middle point of [O;O;, 1], and n;,;,1 is de- 
Quz 0:2 
where O_ 
Our Om $ 
designates the x coordinate of the object O_ and O_ designates 
the y coordinate of the object O_. 
fined as follows: n; 11 = 
From this expression, we get that the Voronoi vertex is defined, 
continuous and differentiable except at data sites, and its deriva- 
tive at the point M is: 
1M no id 
DELTIUM pet teniM 
— Ti i+1. 
Th rl O; M 
Even though, the Voronoi vertex is not continuous at data points, 
its continuity can be extended at data points since the limit of the 
Voronoi vertex when the interpolation point goes towards a data 
point is the point at infinity in the direction of the bisector. 
In order to determine A (M), we decompose the corresponding 
area in triangles (see Figure 3): v 1,4, Ux i1, Cx, 1 and vy 1,4, 
Ck, j; Ch, j41, where C, j is the i'^ Voronoi vertex of VV (Og) in 
the counterclockwise orientation from vg _; rug r+: and we get 
the following result: 
2A. (M) — det (veces vei C) 
+ > det (ires Cuni) 
Therefore, the local coordinates are defined, continuous, and dif- 
ferentiable everywhere except at data sites, and we get: 
— Tum 
2DA, (M) — det ( auci C viai) + 
det (aue UK Kk ) . 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3: Decomposition into triangles 
Even though, the local coordinates are not continuous at data 
points, their continuity can be extended at data points since the 
limit of the local coordinate when the interpolation point goes 
towards a data point is 1. 
By the chain rule (see (Cartan, 1967)) DA, (M)SVA, (M)-dM, 
we get the direct formula for the gradient of the area stolen to Oy, 
by M. 
We extend the local coordinates to line segments, by considering 
that in the computation of the area stolen by M, we integrate 
the areas stolen by M, to each portion of length dA of the line 
* » Os 
\ ; 04e 
X v5 va 
\ Vs {Vas vas 
rct V; 
m = M 
vi V v5 Os» 
+ \ ‘vi 
e À e O2 
Figure 4: The area stolen to an oriented line segment 
The circumcircle corresponding to M, P; and P;,, (two points 
on the line O;, separated by dA) is: 1; ;41 = P; 4 LAL BM 5 | 
P,M Ti where 7 is a unit vector orthogonal to Oy, and directed 
from O;, towards M. Its derivative at M is: Div; iii (M) = 
dM-w; i41 M 
TPM : : à 
on the nature (i.e. point or oriented line segment) of the objects 
Ox—; and Ok. For neighbouring objects that are points, we 
7. The formula for the area stolen by M depends 
Ak OM) = 
cde " 
e RT CER Sfar vas 31^c, 
^ (PoOr—1 ; PyO, 1) ~ 22 (7. PoOr_ 1) x | kd 
A UK 1,k 
ZA OP AS it ay 31 
ee (A (PM - Fg) — 22 (7. Padi) + A) LI 
27 - Po M | (Fo oM) ( ES 
Api be 
Aa SS o AL A3 ]^vy pa] 
pr ^ 009KR+1 PoOr+1) um (1 : PoOR+1) + à : 
27 PHOR+1 S eni 
1 RSS PES 2f m A3 ok kei 
~ ole A (PoM - PoM) — 22 (7 - RAM) + A debile 
277 - Pg M : 
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