Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
(a) (b) 
(c) (d) 
Figure 3: Orthogonal rectification: (a) and (c) original image regions inside Zwickel. (b) and (d) rectified image regions. 
We first calculate the edge orientation v and magnitude m 
at each pixel inside the rectified frame I: 
mr, qj) E fein + Lu = (I d zi Tori) (2) 
q(x, y) 7 atan((Iz—1,y * Los) s + Loti) (3) 
An orientation histogram is used as a region descriptor, the 
magnitude and the distance of the pixels from the origin 
are used as a weight. More formally the histogram is cal- 
culated as 
FO) =) 00.0) + wy, (4) 
where H (0) is the value for bin 0 (0 € [0?. 1^ .. .360?]) 
and q denotes angle values in a neighborhood N inside 
the Zwickel, w, is the weight of ç and ô(0, p) is the Kro- 
necker delta function. The angles ÿ are quantized in accor- 
dance with the histogram bins 0. The weight w, is com- 
puted from the magnitude of ¢ and a function decreasing 
with increasing radius r from the origin (zo, yo). We use 
a-Gaussian function thus w,(x, y) = mx, y) * g(r), with 
r— n9)? * (y — yo)? and g(r) = e? 
The parameter c of the Gaussian function has to be adapted 
according to the detected scale. Due to the use of image 
derivatives illumination insensitivity is also achieved. 
In the matching step we want to detect similar regions in 
an image pair. Using the Zwickel representation it is easy 
to implement several pre-selection criteria to speed up the 
matching by reducing the number of putative candidates. 
The pre-selection is preformed on the basis of geometric 
constraints as well as on image information. We only allow 
a maximal angle difference between corresponding lines of 
a Zwickel candidate pair. Furthermore we enforce the lines 
to have the same gradient direction. If a Zwickel encloses a 
darker region than the surrounding, the two lines have dif- 
ferent gradient directions and therefore different line types. 
Other pre-selection criteria for candidates e.g. by compar- 
ing the difference of the gray-value median for the Zwick- 
els can be easily implemented. For the remaining candi- 
dates we detect the most similar ones by comparing the 
descriptors. In order to accomplish this task we have to 
choose a proper distance function for the comparison of 
the orientation histograms. 
3.1 Distance functions 
Since the descriptors described in section 4 are histograms 
we use probabilistic distance measures to describe the sim- 
ilarity. Distance measures for histogram comparison are 
the L4 and L5 norm, the Bhattacharyya distance, and the 
Matusita distance. The earth movers distance is a more 
complex method for histogram comparison and is com- 
puted by solving the so called transportation problem, pro- 
posed for image indexing by Rubner et.al (Rubner et al., 
1998). Huet and Hancock (Huet and Hancock, 1996) give 
a comparison of the performance of this measures for his- 
togram comparison. Following the conclusions of Rubner 
we chose the Bhattacharyya distance which is defined as: 
D Bhatt (I4. Hp) = —In S^ 
The Zwickel pair with the smallest distance is the most 
similar in terms of the histogram comparison. 
We carried out several experiments to show the perfor- 
mance of the proposed method. In all experiments the re- 
gion size was 30 x 30 pixel. In order to increase the ro- 
bustness of the matching we also compute the normalized 
correlation coefficient cc for the rectified image patches. 
The distance function therefore modifies to: 
D = Drnau( Ha, Ha) * (L — cold, B)) where A and 
B denote the two rectified image patches and H 4 and Hp 
are the orientation histograms for the image patches. In the 
first experiment we assess the invariance of the descriptor 
against viewpoint changes. Sequences of several box-like 
objects were acquired by a turntable setup. The rotation 
between two subsequent images is five degrees resulting in 
a 72 image series. A key image is selected and we per- 
form the matching with all subsequent images. For evalu- 
ation purposes we keep thirty percent of the best matches 
(smallest D)and determined the number of correct matches 
by calculating the epipolar geometry. Figure 6(a) and Fig- 
ure 6(b) show the rate of correct matches versus the rota- 
tion angle between the camera of the key image and the 
camera of the second image used for the matching. The

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