Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Roland Perko! Andreas Klaus? Michael Gruber? 
! Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16, 8010 Graz, Austria 
email: perko@icg.tu-graz.ac.at 
? VRVis Research Center, Inffeldgasse 16, 8010 Graz, Austria 
email: klaus@vrvis.at 
? Vexcel Imaging GmbH, MünzgrabenstraBe 11, 8010 Graz, Austria 
email: mgruber@vexcel.co.at 
KEY WORDS: Comparison, Digital, Analog, Sensors, Aerial. 
Digital cameras are replacing analog film not only on the consumer market. New digital aerial cameras such as Vexcel 
Imaging UltraCam, or Z/ DMC implement novel concepts that make the changeover to digital photogrammetry possible. 
The comparison of image quality of these sensors is important when switching from analog to digital. In this paper 
we propose algorithms of how to assess image quality, whereas the main focus is set to stereo matching which is the 
fundamental for several photogrammetric procedures, like generation of digital elevation models or true orthophotos. We 
use test image data from an experimental setup. We took images with a 11 megapixel CCD sensor and analog small 
format camera with several types of film. The focal lengths of the used lenses are chosen in that way, that a 9j: digital 
pixel (native CCD pixel size) represents the same object point as a pixel from a 20um film scan. With this constellation 
we are able to show that the quality of a 9pm CCD pixels outperforms the quality of a 20m or less scanned film pixel. 
The main disadvantage of analog film is its granularity that causes grain noise. To measure the impacts of grain noise to 
image processing tasks, we use the following algorithms on artificial and natural images: Distances to the epipolar ray of 
stereo matching results, Blonksi and Luxen edge response test, minimal radius of Siemens star and noise measurement 
via entropy. In contrast to film images that feature a dynamic range of 8 bit, images captured with digital sensors feature 
a high dynamic range of 12 bit and contain almost no noise. This makes the matching of poorly textured structures in 
digitally sensed images possible with high accuracy, even when the matching in conventional film images fails. Stereo 
matching on digital images results in a 2.5 times smaller noise level. The conclusion of the proposed work is that digital 
sensors are leading to highly accurate and robust photogrammetric processing. 
New digital aerial cameras such as Vexcel Imaging Ultra- 
Cam) (Leberl et al., 2003) or Z/I DMC (Hinz et al., 2000) 
implement novel concepts that make the changeover to dig- 
ital photogrammetry possible. In our previous work we 
compared film-based images scanned with 15m with dig- 
ital sensed images (Perko and Gruber, 2002). Now we 
compare images taken from camera UltraCamp with film- 
based images scanned at 5, 10, 15 and 204m. The focal 
lengths of the used lenses are chosen in that way, that a 
91m digital pixel (native CCD pixel size) represents the 
same object point as a pixel from a 20,4m film scan. 
For digital sensing we are using the camera UltraCamy, 
with 100mm/ f : 5.6 apo digitar lens and 11 megapix- 
els CCD sensor Dalsa TFT4027 with 9m pixelsize which 
gives 12 bit radiometric resolution (denoted as ced in the 
rest of this paper). To match the requirements that a film 
pixel scanned at 20j/m equals a ced pixel of 9um the focal 
20um r 
length of the analog camera should be ffi, = SF fecd = 
Sg Yum » 
292 Omm. 
Analog small format film images are taken using camera 
Minolta Dynax 7 with Sigma 135-400mm/f1:4.5-5.6 lens 
fixed at 222mm and then scanned with high precision scan- 
ner UltraScan 5000 (Vexcel Imaging Austria, 2002) at 5, 
10, 15 and 20pm at dynamic range of 16 bit. Four small 
format films Agfa APX 100 (Agfa, 2003), Ilford Delta 100 
(Ilford, 2002), Kodak T-MA X (Kodak, 2002, Kodak, 2004) 
and Kodak T-PAN (Kodak, 2003) were used (denoted as 
apx, delta, t-max and t-pan in the rest of this paper). Both 
cameras are geometrically calibrated with high accuracy. 
The paper is structured as follows. First, we propose al- 
gorithms of how to assess image quality (section 2). Next, 
results are given in section 3. Finally, concluding remarks 
are made in section 4. 
We propose three tests to evaluate the geometric accuracy 
of images, namely image matching, edge response and Sie- 
mens star test and one test for noise measurement. 
2.1 Image matching 
To evaluate the geometric accuracy of images, we propose 
a stereo image matching setup. Homologous points of two 
images taken from the same device from different spots 

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