Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Case | Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 
Sq] Ell.].Sg. l.El- 1.Sq. 1 El. | Sq. 1 Ell 
e sizes 
(the last 
one is  |l13x13 
the one |29x29 
13x13|25x25|25x25137x37129x29| 15x 15115x15 
e - 1.2% - 1.4% - 0.6% - 0.9% 
ns on 
the last 
e used 
Go 25.14 2:12]135231. - 7.81 | 10.54 | 7. 
d point 
NO | YES | NO | YES | NO | YES | YES | YES 
Table 1. Comparison of results. 
The only problem that arises from the application of the 
proposed method is the complication of the calculations, but 
then again this is the only way to attain better results. 
Complication of calculations leads to more computer time. 
The algorithm has not been timed since it has been used until 
now manually and time differences cannot be observed, but it 
is predicted that it will be slower than the square. 
It should be mentioned though that not much attention should 
be given in speed, because computer power doubles every 1.5 
years. When LSQM was first introduced it was very slow for 
the contemporary computers, not to mention the quality of 
CCD sensors. Today, matching over a whole model, 
producing 18000 points can be completed in 3 minutes and 
for 2,5 million points in 30 minutes in an average computer. 
The problem might be evident when applied in DEM 
collection. Prior to this code optimization will decrease the 
algorithm’s speed by half. Use of fewer vertices to describe 
the ellipse is another possible source of time saving. 
Reduction by 20%, will save time almost 15% over the whole 
matching algorithm. Another interesting feature is that after 
the second iteration the ellipse does not change considerably 
both is shape and orientation, meaning that it is almost 
useless to reform it after each iteration. This is another point 
where processing time can be saved. 
In 2 cases (1 and 3), the square method fails in the suggested 
template and uses a bigger one in order to find a solution. In 
the same cases ellipse uses the suggested template and is 
equal or faster, in terms of total iterations, in all cases. 
Therefore the ellipse method compensates speed, up to a 
point by itself. 
Epipolar geometry provides a very good solution for linear 
features nearly perpendicular to the epipolar line (Baltsavias, 
E., 1993). The ellipse provides solution for all linear features, 
without the use of relative orientation, and therefore is a 
universal method, while being more accurate for all points. 
Failure rate, including points returned from square template 
as correct, without being so, is reduced considerably. Hence 
it is safe to conclude that it is a promising method which 
requires further research. The next step is speed optimisation 
and application on DEM collection of different objects and 
scales to verity these conclusions. Comparison will be done 
against square template DEM as well as against a reference 
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