Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

ul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
curve that best-fits them is sought. Then, by equations 2 
and 3, the components D; must satisfy 
zc BO, 
3,  B'(f;)QV, 
for certain values of t;, where à = 0,...,k— 1, and Np < 
This linear system is more compactly written in matrix 
formas D — K(Q* QV), where the k x Np elements 
of the real matrix Æ are given by K;; = Bat). with: = 
In the most general case Np < k and, therefore, K 1s 
not a square matrix. In this case, the pseudo-inverse ma- 
trix form (Q^ QV) — K* D is used to find the B-spline 
fitting curve. A useful set of values for the parameters 
(fo, ..., fy1] is given by 
gp - Dol pr 
Se) ID; im Dii | = 
to = 0, : Le m 
The knot set to build the B-spline basis functions is arbi- 
th three trarily chosen. 
tion un- 
eo. = 
e 5 In this section we describe the algorithms developed for 
EN boundary detection once the noise was removed. 
3 > 
cach 4.1 Radial lines algorithms for boundary detection 
deel, Let E be a scene made up by the background D and a set 
of regions {R1, Ri», .... Ry} with their respective bound- 
aries TOF, .... OR4}. For each region R;, we want to find 
the curve C; that fits boundary OR; in the image. In the 
first step a box-counting fractal dimension estimation is ap- 
plied in order to remove the noise. We define an initial 
(2) search area, which are specified by polygons, the vertexes 
of which are control points that generate a B-spline curve, 
(3) as shown on Figure 2 with a thin line. Once the initial 
search zones are determined the centroid of each of them 
is calculated. 
e weight 
ents of 
33 0f 
s a fit- 
e now 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
0... k—1,j 2 0,..., Npg—1, and D — (Do, Di,.. ny. 
‚Di Dau-1} 
Figure 2: Initial areas of interest determinated by polygons, the 
vertexes of which are control points that generate a B-spline curve 
If a point belongs to the object boundary, then a sample 
taken from the neighborhood of that point exhibits a change 
in the intensity level of the box-counting image and it is 
considered to be a transition point. Then N segments s), 
i € {1,..., N) with the form s(0 — CP, are considered. 
Here C' is the centroid of the initial region, the extreme P; 
is a point outside of the region and 0 — ang (se) se) 
Vi is the angle between two consecutive segments, as shown 
on Figure 3. 
Figure 3: Radial straight lines s‘) ; = 1,., N projected from 
the centroid C of an initial curve to the external part of the region. 
Q9 is the angle between s? and seit} à = dat 7 À 
The segment s(? is an array of m elements coming from a 
discretization of the straight line on the image. The border 
point b; is found convolving the data of the segment with a 
mask given by [-2, —1, 0, 1, 2]. After find {b,,… b V, the 
algorithm build the B-spline curve interpolating the border 
4.2 Possible Problems 
This algorithm gives very good results when it is applied 
to convex objects, but there are some situations where this 
method could fail. For example, it is possible that some 
point on the object boundary be obstructed by other point 
of the same boundary, so the radial straight lines will not 
reach this point, making it impossible to find it, as shown 
on Figure 4. 
Figure 4: A non convex object. The procedure fails on the 
straight line segment shown on this figure. It will not detect the 
border points marked with a circle. 
In order to solve these problems we have modified the al- 
gorithm, using an estimation of the curves’s derivative at 
step n to predict the center of the segment sg (n) at step 
n + 1. This modified version calculates the velocity vec- 
tor between two given boundary points b; and b;4, in the 

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