Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
available. The goal is to identify reliably corresponding 
candidates by using the radiometric and geometric observations 
of the data set. The algorithm is based on the assumption that 
only features extracted in photogrammetric images and which 
are located in planar geometric areas could be suitable 
candidates (cf. fig. 3). 
In the first step, distinct features have to be extracted with an 
appropriate operator for digital image processing. In this work 
the SUSAN (Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus) 
operator developed by Smith and Brady (1997) is used. In 
principle all pixels within a circular mask are compared with the 
nucleus. Therefore a threshold has to be set according to the 
contrast and noise of the intensities to assign the pixels to the 
nucleus. The sum n of the comparison will be compared with a 
second threshold g. For a corner to be present, n have to be less 
than half of its maximum. Shortly, g predicates the geometric 
quality and / the density of the features. 
Then the 3D position of the feature is interpolated from 
surrounding points (cf. fig. 4). For efficient processing the 
points are transformed into the image space of the camera under 
consideration of lens distortions of the used camera. As well as 
the position, an adjusted plane is estimated from these points. 
The following inspection of visibility and smoothness is used to 
test the suitability of candidates (fig. 5). Depending on the set 
threshold for the max. viewing angle, the max. enabled baseline 
can be derived from. Features located in geometrically 
discontinuous areas can be separated due to points which differ 
from the estimated plane. These points can be detected with 
blunder detection in the plane adjustment or by calculating the 
curvature, the cosine angle between the normal vector and the 
difference vector of the interpolated 3D position of the SUSAN 
feature and the included points. 
Figure 4: SUSAN features surrounded by 3D points. It shows 
some possible candidates with there surrounding points. 
For the matching of the features which fulfill these conditions 
later on, a discrete orthoimage is calculated, consider the object 
space as is typically done in image matching, (e.g. Heipke, 
1992). With this discrete image patch with an adequate size a 
reliable correspondence check is possible. 
Therefore, firstly a grid is defined on the plane in object space, 
whereas the metric size of one facet is depending on the set 
image scale. Secondly, to fill the grid, each facet will be 
mapped into the considering image, then the grey values will be 
resampled bilinearly. 
N 4A 
3D point 
e rez 
m— — M — — SE — 
plane — —@ @ ——6 
BT 2 M 
-—7— M — —R— € nn“ 
Figure 5: Visibility and Smoothness. The rulings of the 
geometric acceptance are defined on the one hand by the angle 
resulting from the scalar product between the normal and the 
image ray, and on the other hand by the max. absolute residual. 
Here, also an inspection is necessary. Since the unavoidable 
comparability of the discrete orthoimages with candidates from 
different view points a fix image scale is set. The generation of 
the orthoimage can also fail if the SUSAN feature is located at 
the border of the image, meaning that not enough information is 
available to fill the grid. 
However, until all features are evaluated the matching can be 
To match two sets of features from different view points, 
reliable criteria have to be defined to find the correspondences. 
Therefore a couple of possible criteria have been developed for 
this process based on the point clouds and the photogrammetric 
3.1 Assessing criteria 
Radiometric uniformity: 
Is calculated with the cross correlation between the 
corresponding candidates. Due to the fact, that the patches have 
the same geometric resolution and the same orientation in 
object space, only the brightness have to consider what is 
regarded by the cross correlation. The resulting coefficient 
assesses the uniformity. 
=, Ig 1) 
The scanning device supplies the intensity for observed 3D 
points, with which the active signal is reflected on the surface of 
the object. 
E, 7 Abs(C, — P.) (2) 
The assessment of the neighborhood is only possible in a final 
post process. It can be done directly in three-dimensional object 
space or more efficiently in image space. Due to the rectified Z- 
International Archiv 
axis (perpendiculari 
the different view pc 
corresponding candi 
is identical, which w 
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3.2 The matching 
Due to the fact tha 
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(Huber et al. 2001) 
Wendt, 2003, Luck 
optimization metho 
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3.2.1 Simulated A 
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corresponding candi 
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