International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
effect covers the whole block seamlessly. Two such seamless
mosaics could be produced. One is produced from all the left
images, leading to a left mosaic, and the other produced from all
the right images, leading to the right mosaic.
To produce a stereo view, parallax needs to be introduced to one
of the mosaic (e.g. the right mosaic) to form a so-called mosaic
stereomate. The value of the parallax for each pixel is a function
of the height at its position. Then the left mosaic and the mosaic
stereomate form a seamless stereo model.
Such a seamless stereo model is good enough for visualization
purpose. However, for accurate measurement, it is not good
enough, as discussed in Section 2. Therefore, such a seamless
stereo model is still not measurable in a sense.
To make the accuracy as high measurement, the following
strategy is adopted here in this study:
Q The 6 orientation parameters of each image are recorded
in a file (i.e. orientation file);
Q The linage of each pixel on both the mosaic orthoimage
and mosaic stareomate is recorded. That is, for each point
(pixel) on the seamless stereo model, the system knows (a)
the (original) left and right images where it is derived; (b)
the orientation parameters of both images; and (c) its
image coordinates on both images.
@ With such information, when measurement is performed,
the ground coordinates of each point on the seamless
stereo model is directly computed from original
stereo-pair instead of the image coordinates on the mosaic
orthoimages and mosaic stereomate.
Such a seamless stereo model is called the measurable seamless
stereo model.
4.1. The generation procedure of measurable seamless
stereo model
The flow diagram for generating a measurable seamless stereo
model is given in Figure 2. The procedure can be divided into
three major processes:
Q First, to produce the left and right mosaic orthoimages:
When such two images are viewed stereoscopically, the
terrain is seen to be flat;
@ Second, to introduce parallax to form a mosaic stereomate:
the horizontal parallaxes are computed according to a
DTM. Figure 2 illustrates the procedure;
® Third, to index the lineage of each pixel on both the
mosaic orthoimage and mosaic stereomate.
More detailed explanation of the steps expressed in Figure 2 is
given as follows:
(i). Generating digital orthoimage: Orthorectfication for every
aerial image in the block is performed to produce the
orthoimage using the interior and exterior orientation
elements and DTM. This can be done at a digital
photogrammetric workstation. The extent of the orthoimge is
decided according to the valid extent of the aerial image.
(ii). Constructing photo-pair stereo models: stereo photo-pair
models are built in block area according to the adjacent
relationship between aerial images along flying line. Every
photo-pair stereo model contains a left and a right original
aerial image.
(iii). Choosing the seam lines among adjacent models: The seam
lines can be automatically chosen or by manual. As the
image surface objects are displaced along the radiation from
the nadir, in order to make seamless mosaic, the seam lines
should keep away from such objects. But the seam lines
cannot exceed the overlapping area among adjacent stereo
photo-pair models.
(iv). Constructing the valid mosaic polygon for every stereo
photo pair model: The valid mosaic polygons are
automatically constructed according to the relationships
between the seam lines and the seam lines or between the
seam lines and edge lines.
(v). Generating left and right mosaic orthoimages: The left and
right mosaic orthoimages are made separately according to
the valid mosaic polygon of every photo-pair model in the
photographic block area.
(vi). Introducing the horizontal parallaxes for one of the two
orthoimages: X-parallaxes are introduced to one of the
mosaic orthoimages according to the DTM of the area.
The original aerial images, corresponding interior and
exterior orientation elements and DTM
| Orthorectfication for every aerial image |
| Create stereo photo-pair models |
Seam lines among adjacent stereo photo-pair models
are chosen
Construct valid mosaic polygon for every photo-pair
| Left and right orthoimages are separately moasicked |
Right(left) mosaic
orthoimage :
Left(right) mosaic
| Parallaxes introduction À
| Stereomate aJ
| The measurable seamless stereo model |
= Stereoscopically display, roam and measure i
Figure 2. The generation procedure of the measurable seamless
stereo model
After the above steps, a moasic orthoimage and a mosaic
steromate are produced and they can be used to form a seamless
stereo model, which covers the whole block. The stereo model
has been absolute oriented (geo-referenced). Some operations
such as displaying, zooming, roaming and stereoscopic viewing
can be implemented using the stereoscopic device. However, it
order to perform accurate 3D measurement, the linage of each
pixel is recorded as the metadata of the measurable stereo
International Archiv
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43. 3D measuremer
The process for mez
stereo model is illust
The corresponding
model (Manu:
The pixel coordinate
the orthoimag
The planemteric co«
(X, Y) in the orth«
The 3D coordinat
(X, Y, Z)
Searching the original
The left (right) ph
coordinates (x ,
B [
Figure 3. The 3D nx
Principle dist:
Photo scal
Photo typ:
Pixel size
Average flight |
Data Rang
Figure 4 shows the
model generated fron
mosaic polygons of
Every stereo pair has
measurable | seamles
complementary colot
Observed with red/gre
surface points and ot