Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
e |t has the ability to provide multiple images with multiple 
channels. Thus it enables the multi-image matching approach, 
which leads to a reduction of problems caused by occlusions, 
multiple solutions, surface discontinuities and results in higher 
measurement accuracy through the intersection of more than two 
image rays. 
e It has the ability to provide for relatively precise orientation 
elements that can be used to enforce geometric constraints and 
restrict the search space along quasi-epipolar lines. 
eThe nearly parallel projection in along-track direction causes 
less occlusion on the nadir-viewing images. 
r Images and Orientation Data | 
Image Pre-processing & Image 
Pyramid Generation 
L | 
i Geometrically 
Grid Point 
Candidate Search, 
Adaptive Matching 
Feature Point 
| Edge Matching 
DSM (intermediate) 
Combination of the feature points, grid points and 
Modified Multi-image Geometrically 
Constrained Matching (MPGC) 
Final DSM 
Figure 1: Workflow of our image matching procedure 
Among the known matching techniques and algorithms, area- 
based (ABM) and feature-based matching (FBM) are the two 
main ones applied to automatic DSM generation in general. 
ABM and FBM have both advantages and disadvantages with 
respect to the problems presented above. The key to successful 
matching is an appropriate matching strategy, making use of all 
available and explicit knowledge concerning sensor model, 
network structure and image content. 
Our matching approach is a hybrid method that combines ABM 
and FBM. It aims to generate DSMs by attacking the problems 
(a)-(f) mentioned above. It uses a coarse-to-fine hierarchical 
solution with a combination of several image matching 
algorithms and automatic quality control. Figure 1 shows the 
workflow of our matching procedure. After the image pre- 
processing and production of the image pyramid, the matches of 
three kinds of features, i.e. feature points, grid points and edges 
on the original images are finally found progressively starting 
from the low-density features on the images with low resolution. 
A triangular irregular network (TIN) based DSM is constructed 
from the matched features on each level of the pyramid, which in 
turn is used in the subsequent pyramid level for the 
approximations and adaptive computation of the matching 
parameters. Finally the modified MPGC matching is used to 
achieve more precise matches for all the matched features and 
identify some false matches. In the MPGC procedure, multiple 
strip image data can be introduced and combined. More details 
of our approach will be provided in the next paragraph. 
3.1 Image Preprocessing 
In order to reduce the effects of radiometric problems like strong 
bright and dark regions and to optimise the images for 
subsequent feature extraction and image matching, a pre- 
processing method, which combines an  edge-preserving 
smoothing filter and the Wallis filter. First, the edge preserving 
smoothing filter proposed by Saint-Marc et al., 1991 was applied 
fo reduce the noise, while sharpening edges and preserving even 
fine detail such as corners and line endpoints. Next, the Wallis 
filter, which strongly enhances already existing texture patterns, 
IS applied. The examples of Figure 2 indicates that even in 
shadow and "homogeneous" areas the image content is 
The image pyramid starts from the original resolution images. 
Each pyramid level is generated by multiplying a generation 
kernel and reduces the resolution by factor 3. The pyramid level 
number is a pre-defined value that is either a user-input or can be 
determined according to the height range of the imaging area. 
Figure 2: SI image before and after pre-processing 
3.2 Feature Point Matching 
We use the Foerstner interest operator to extract well-defined 
feature points that are suitable for image matching. Firstly the 
reference image is divided into small image patches (the nadir 
viewing SI or satellite image is selected as reference). Only one 
feature point will be extracted in each image patch. The density 
of the feature points can be controlled by the size ofthe patches. 
The determination of the correspondences of the given points on 
the search images is carried out using the geometrically 
constrained cross-correlation method (see Gruen, Zhang, 2003). 
The matching candidates are computed by cross-correlation with 
a set of adaptively determined parameters like the image window 
size w,, the threshold of the correlation coefficient c, and the 
search distance. The approximate DSM that is derived from the 
higher-level of the image pyramid is used to estimate these 
We incorporate the method proposed by Kanade & Okutomi, 
1994 to select an optimal window size by evaluating the image 
content and the disparity within the matching window. As a 
result, in flat areas with small image intensity variations, the 
window size w, increases and in areas of large terrain elevation 
variations it decreases. The threshold of the correlation 
coefficient c, should also vary according to the roughness of the 
terrain. We set a larger value in flat areas and smaller value in 
rough terrain areas. The search window size depends on the 
terrain elevation variation in a small neighborhood of the given 
point and on the image geometry. In relatively flat areas the size 
of the search window decreases and vice versa. 
By adaptive selection of these parameters, we can both reduce 
the processing time and the probability for multiple matching 
candidates. The number of matching candidates can be further 
reduced by introducing a third image. For every candidate, its 
position on the third image can be predicted using the image 
orientation elements. If the correlation coefficient between the 
reference and the third image is lower than the threshold, this 
matching candidate will be dropped. However, we cannot 
completely avoid the ambiguity problem due to reasons like 
repetitive patterns. Our procedure takes n (X 5) matching 
candidates with correlation coefficient values above the 
threshold c;. 
As a result, for each feature point on the reference image several 
matching candidates can be computed. The correct match is 
determined by analysing the following quality measures 
a) The correct match should have a clear and sharp maximal 
correlation coefficient. If there are more than one candidates and 
the value of the first correlation coefficient peak is more than two 
times of that of the secondary peak, the candidate that has the 
largest correlation coefficient value will be considered the correct 
b) Using the same matching parameters, the feature point can be 
back-matched from the search images to the reference image. If 
the difference between this two-way matching is less than one 
pixel, the candidate is assumed to be the correct match. 
c) Under the condition that the feature point appears on more 
than two images, the residuals of the photogrammetric forward 
intersection should be less than 2-3 times the standard deviations 
of image coordinates of the triangulation adjustment. 

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