Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

The points that pass these tests will be indicated as reliable 
matches. The points that cannot pass these tests may have 
multiple solutions. This matching ambiguity will be solved by 
the following global image matching method through local 
smoothness constraints (see chapter 3.4). 
3.3 Edge Matching 
To reconstruct a DSM from very high-resolution images over 
urban areas we must take into account the problems caused by 
surface discontinuities, occlusions and the significant perspective 
projection distortion. Even with satellite images, line features are 
also important for capturing and modeling terrain features such 
as ridgelines and breaklines. Matching the edges is a possible 
solution to these problems. However we should consider the 
following problems: 
e The edge on one image may break into more than one segment 
due to image noise, occlusions and the deficiencies of the feature 
extraction algorithms. 
e The conjugate edges on different images may have quite 
different shapes due to the projection distortion. 
e There may be many similar features in a search area. 
The edge matching procedure presented here is based on the 
evaluation of the local geometric and photometric attributes of 
edges for the solution of disambiguities. The quasi-epipolar 
geometry and the DSM data derived from the higher-level of the 
image pyramid are used to provide for the matching candidates 
for each edgel. A figural continuity constraint satisfaction 
scheme (the disparity along an edge should change smoothly) 
and a shape matching approach are used to achieve the final 
The well-known Canny operator is used to locate the intensity 
discontinuities. Then edgels are linked into free-form edges 
through a local processing that analyses the characteristics of 
these pixels in a small neighborhood. This approach is carried 
out independently on three images. Only edges above a 
minimum length (30 pixels for SI images and 15 pixels for 
satellite images) are considered for matching. 
The edgels along the given edge are matched with the edges that 
are defined at the intersection points between the candidate 
edges and the correspondend epipolar curve within the search 
window on one of the search images. The search window can be 
determined by using the same method as in chapter 3.2. There 
may be several matching candidates within the search window. 
To solve this ambiguity problem we perform the following three 
steps sequentially: 
a) Evaluation of the difference of the local edge orientation 
between the given edgel and its candidates. The local 
orientation for an edgel is the image intensity gradient 
computed modulo 27. Candidates with differences above a 
threshold will be dropped. Considering the possible relief 
distortion, this constraint should not be too tight. For 
example, we use 40 degrees for SI images. 
b) Evaluation of the normalized cross-correlation coefficient 
of the intensity values on each side of the edgel. Exclusion 
of those candidates that have a very low correlation 
coefficient, e.g. less than 0.5. 
c) If more than two images are available, each candidate can 
be validated on the third image through the indicator used 
in step b). 
After these three steps, the given edgel may still have more than 
one candidate. The problem will be further solved by using the 
figural continuity constraint through a relaxation method. This 
method examines the candidates by computing how much 
support they receive from their local neighborhood along the 
edge. We select the candidate that gains the highest support as 
the correct match for each edgel. For each edge, the edgels that 
have only one candidate will serve as “anchors” for this 
relaxation method. By linking the successfully matched edgels in 
the search images, we obtain the correspondent edge matc. 
Finally, we do a shape matching between the given edge and its 
correspondent edge through least squares adjustment. Only the 
edges with small shape matching errors will be kept. 
Figure 3 shows an example of our edge matching. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3: Edge matching with SI images (5 cm resolution) 
3.4 Grid Point Matching 
We use grid points to create uniformly distributed points over 
the whole images even in areas with very little or no texture. The 
correspondences of these grid points could be computed by using 
the method presented in chapter 3.2. Compared to the feature 
points, the choice of grid points is blind and thus many grid 
points are located in areas with weak or no texture. The search 
for the match of a given grid point has more possibilities to yield 
multiple candidates, or even no candidate. 
To solve this problem, we use a global image matching method 
with relaxation technique. This method examines the candidates 
by computation how much support they receive from their local 
neighborhood and select the candidate that gains the highest 
support as the correct match. Here we use Prazdny's "coherence 
principle" model (Prazdny, 1985). We incorporate this idea in 
our global image matching and get the solution by relaxation 
Firstly, the points are selected in form of a regular grid in the 
reference image. Their matching candidates on the search images 
are computed. Together with al! the matched feature points and 
edges they construct a TIN. It should be noted here that all the 
matched points can be categorized into three classes: Points 
having reliable matches, points having several candidates, and 
points without matching candidates. In the first case, they are 
treated as having only one matching candidate and, they serve as 
“anchors” for the global matching procedure. For the last case, 
they will be given several “false” candidates (with a very small 
correlation coefficient value) evenly distributed within the search 
window. The matched edges serve as break-lines in the TIN 
structure. They control the weights of the local smoothness 
This method is performed on stereo pairs. The key point of this 
method, that distinguishes it from the single point matching, IS 
its compatible coefficient function and its smoothness constraint 
satisfaction scheme. With the smoothness constraint, areas with 
homogeneous or only little texture can be bridged over, 
assuming that the terrain surface varies smoothly over the area. 
In the meantime, the surface discontinuities can be preserved 
because the smoothness constraints cannot cross the edges. For 
details of this procedure see (Gruen, Zhang, 2003). 
3.5 Matching Through the Image Pyramids 
A triangular irregular network (TIN) based DSM is constructed 
from the matched features on each level of the pyramid, which in 
turn is used in the subsequent pyramid level for the 
approximations and adaptive computation of the matching 
parameters. The matched edges are used as breaklines such that 
no triangle crosses these edges. The TIN maintains the original 
matching results without any interpolation. The surface 
discontinuities of the terrain can be well captured and preserved. 
The initial DSM for the highest level of image pyramid can be 
extracted by standard cross-correlation based on a “region 
growing” matching strategy. This method uses the already 
measured control and tie points as seed points and matches the 
points under the assumption that points in a local neighborhood 
should have similar disparities (Otto, Chau, 1988). This method 
is justified because the disparity surface can be treated as 
continuous and smooth on the lowest resolution image pyramid 
level. In some difficult areas like very rough alpine terrain, some 
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