Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

'. Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
manually measured points can also be introduced as seed points. 
It will give better approximations for the matching. 
3.6 Refined Matching Based on the Modified MPGC 
MPGC (Multi-Photo Geometrically Constrained Matching) was 
developed by Gruen, 1985, and is described in detail in 
Baltsavias, 1991. It combines least squares matching and 
geometric constraints formulated either in image or in object 
space and permits a simultaneous determination of pixel and 
object coordinates. Any number of images (more than two) can 
be used simultaneously. The achieved accuracy is in the sub- 
pixel range. 
Our modified algorithm is an extension of the standard MPGC. It 
integrates the geometric constraints derived from the Linear 
Array sensor models. The geometric constraints force the 
matching to search for a conjugate point only along a small band 
around the epipolar curve and reduce the possibility of false 
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Figure 4: MPGC matching with multi-strip SI images. 
Top: Images of a strip acquired from west to east 
Bottom: Images of the cross-strip 
The modified MPGC is used to refine the matched features in 
order to achieve sub-pixel accuracy. The DSM derived from the 
approaches (3.2)-(3.4) provides quite good approximations for 
the MPGC procedure and increases the convergence rate. The 
initial values of the shaping parameters in MPGC can be 
predetermined by using the image geometry and the derived 
DSM data. The corresponding rays of the four corners of the 
matching window in the reference image are intersected with the 
derived DSM and their object coordinates can be determined. 
Through imaging geometry, the corresponding image 
coordinates in the search images can also be determined. The 
initial values of the shaping parameters can easily be computed 
from these four corner points and their correspondences. By this 
way, features can be matched with multiple images or even with 
multiple image strips that have different flight directions and 
image scales. Figure 4 gives an example for the case of cross- 
For edge matching the parameters of a spline function of the 3D 
object edge are directly estimated together with the matching 
parameters of edges in the image spaces of multiple images. 
Some points, especially those grid points in non-texture or little 
texture areas, will fail in MPGC matching. These points are also 
kept but they are assigned low reliability indicator values. 
In order to evaluate the performance of our approach for DSM 
generation it has been applied to different areas with varying 
textures, terrain types and image scales. In the following we will 
report about DSM accuracy test results with SI, IKONOS and 
SPOTS HRS images. 
4.1 SI Image Dataset, GSI area, Japan 
In Japan's GSI (Geographical Survey Institute) test area, both SI 
images and aerial photos are available. The evaluation is based 
on the comparison between the manually measured DSM from 
aerial photos and the automatically extracted DSM from the SI 
The GSI test area is roughly 650 x 2500 m”. It is relatively flat 
with natural and artificial objects. There are a lot of small 
geomorphological features, but also small discontinuities like 
cars, isolated trees and large discontinuities and occlusions due 
to buildings. For the success of a matcher it is very important 
how it can handle local discontinuities (e.g. buildings or other 
man-made objects, vertical cliffs, etc.). 
Figure 5 shows two image windows from the nadir-viewing SI 
images. We have 48 control points. They are signalized marks 
on the ground or on the top of buildings. They appear both in the 
SI and aerial photos. 
Two stereo pairs of color aerial images of 1:8000 image scale, 
acquired with a film camera of 153 mm focal length, have been 
used for manual collection of reference data on an Analytical 
Plotter. The RMSE of the exterior orientation is reported as 5 cm 
in planimetry and 3 cm in height. Manually measured points, 
distributed at about 50 cm distance in both X and Y directions, 
are used as reference data. 
Assuming a measurement accuracy of 0.1% of the flying height 
(best case situation for natural points) we can expect an accuracy 
of the reference data of 0.12 m as a best case scenario. 
Figure 5: Region (left) of man-made objects. Region (right) of bare 
terrain area (including some sparse trees). The image patches are 
from the nadir SI-100 images with the ground resolution of 5.6 cm. 
Figure 6: 3D visualization of the shaded DSM of the GSI test area. 
Table 1: DSM accuracy evaluation. 
Manually measurement minus automatically extracted DSM 
Area | RMSE | Mean % % % % % 
(m) (m) 0.0-10m | 1.0-20m | 2.0-30m | 3.040m | >4.0m 
(1) 0.28 0.04 98.65 0.91 0.13 0.09 0.03 
(2) 1.01 -0.16 74.70 12.15 7.32 4,84 2.36 
The processed SI data include three panchromatic images with a 
footprint of ca. 5.6 cm. As a result of triangulation, 2.8 cm and 
5.0 cm absolute accuracy in planimetry and height (as computed 
from checkpoints) were obtained. 
For analysis of the matching accuracy, we divided the reference 
data into two classes, i.e. (1) the bare terrain area with some 
sparse trees and small artificial objects (including the large 
parking areas); (2) the area with man-made objects and trees. 
Our analysis has been performed for these two classes 
A very dense raster DSM with 15 em interval was interpolated 
from the automatically matched point cloud and edges. The 
points with low reliability values were given a small weight in 
the interpolation procedure. Figure 6 shows the 3D visualization 
of the extracted DSM. 
Comparing the reference points with the raster DSM in two 
different areas (1) and (2) leads to the results shown in Table 1. 
The bare terrain area shows much better results, but it still 
suffers from problems like multi-temporal differences between 

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