Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
aerial photos and SI images, and some sparse trees. In the man- 
made object area, the accuracy becomes worse. Here 2.4 % of all 
points points have more than 4 meters difference. These points 
are almost all positioned on the border of buildings and trees. 
This may be caused by the fact that manually measured points 
and automatically extracted points are referring to different 
object points due to small errors in orientation procedure and 3D 
modeling problems. 
4.2 IKONOS Image Dataset, Thun, Switzerland 
The test covers the area around the town of Thun, Switzerland. It 
is about 17 x 20 km. The terrain elevations range from 600 m to 
2200 m, with some very steep and high cliffs. 
One IKONOS stereo pair was acquired on 2003-12-11 10:29 
GMT over an area of approximately 11 x 20 km?. Another 
IKONOS triplet was acquired on 2003-12-25, 10:39 GMT over 
area of approximately 11 x 20 km”. The two areas have nearly 
50 % overlap. All images are IKONOS Geo products. The 
sensor and sun elevation angles (ca. 19 degrees) were less than 
optimal. The low elevation angle of the sun causes strong 
shadows, especially in the south part of the images and in 
general low contrast images. A 2 m resolution reference DSM 
generated from airborne LIDAR in the year 2000 was obtained 
from the Swiss Federal Office of Topography, Bern. The 
reference DSM only covers the south part of the whole area. 
fo ; = X vd T 
Figure 7: Extracted DSM 
Top: The whole area; Bottom: Town of Thun 
Firstly, the original 12 bit images were preprocessed and resulted 
in enhanced images for further image matching. Then the images 
were orientated with the help of about 40 GCPs measured by 
GPS. The orientation accuracy is about 0.41 m in planimetry and 
0.68 m in height. Finally, a 5 m raster DSM was generated from 
the matched mass points and the edges. Some areas like lakes 
and rivers are defined as “dead areas” manually. 
Figure 7 shows the 3D visualization of the generated DSM (the 
whole test area and part of the town area). The results show that 
even small geomorphological features are extracted and surface 
discontinuities are well preserved. 
Table 2: DSM accuracy numbers (west part of test area). 
areas; C-City areas; V-Tree areas; A-Alpine areas. 
RMSE | * > 
Compared m 50m m 
Table 3: DSM accuracy numbers (east part of test area). 
O-C areas; C-City areas; V-Tree areas; A-Alpine areas. 
m 50m m 
Mean | RMSE 
(m) (m) 
Table 2 and 3 give the DSM accuracy test results. We compute 
the differences between the interpolated heights from our DSM 
minus the heights of the reference DSM. The accuracy of the 
generated DSM is at 1.3 — 4.8 pixel level. It depends on the 
terrain type. Higher accuracy can be achieved in open areas. In 
urban and tree areas the accuracy becomes worse. The analysis 
shows that points with more than 6 m differences are almost all 
distributed in the tree and urban areas. In open areas (with some 
sparse trees and small cluster of houses), more than 70 percent of 
the points have differences of less than 1 meter. The results show 
significant biases. This is caused by different point definitions in 
laserscan and photogrammetric surface points. Also, the different 
acquisition times of the IKONOS images and the laserscans may 
play a role . For more details see (Eisenbeiss, et al., 2004). 
in meter 
Table 4: Reference DEMs. Height accura 
5x5 5km x 5km 
5x5 5km x 5km 
5x5 5km x 5km 
5x5 5kmx 
25 x 25 10km x 1.3km 
25 x 25 1 x 7.7km 
50km x 30km 
z. x“ 
ed DSM (the whole test area) 
Figure 8b: Reference DEM (left, 25 meter grid of dataset “DLR-DEM- 
05-2”) and the generated DSM (right, 25 meter grid) 
4.3 SPOT5 HRS Image Dataset, Bavaria, Germany ; 
Here we report the work carried out within the ISPRS-CNES 
Initiative on DEM generation from SPOTS-HRS stereo images. 
For details see (Poli et al., 2004) 
The test area (No. 9) covers a part of South Bavaria and a part of 
Austria (approximately 120 x 60 km’). Table 4 gives 
information on the reference DEMs. A stereo pair from SPOTS- 
HRS was acquired on 1 October 2002 in the morning. The 
International Arc. 
INC idu e 
images have the 
across-track direc 
The test area incl 
inclined alpine ar 
inclined areas). O 
a large number o 
The TIN based 
points and the edg 
Figure 8 shows tl 
results show that t 
the references, b 
because of the 5m 
Tables 5 and 6 
orientation accura 
height. We comp 
reference DEM : 
Table 6 shows th 
tree areas manuall 
From Tables 5 an 
e The accuracy « 
Ipixel level or es 
about 2 pixels, b 
o All datasets still 
failed to detect. 
e The results show 
biases are about 1 
significantly nega 
‘are higher than tl 
In this paper we 
approaches for fi 
array images witl 
matching strategy 
matching with nei 
edge matching. TI 
little or no texture 
contribution of ob 
to refine the ma 
accuracy. The ge 
specific sensor mc 
the rigorous sens 
RF (Rational Func 
As evidenced by 
reproduce even s 
from the quantita 
concept leads to e 
buildings is taken 
pixel or even bet 
SPOT) as “best c 
aerial images (foc 
one pixel rule" c 

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