Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

'. Istanbul 2004 
est area). 
ine areas. 
| » 
.0 m m 
"st area). 
pine areas. 
ts. We compute 
from our DSM 
accuracy of the 
depends on the 
! open areas. In 
se. The analysis 
s are almost all 
reas (with some 
an 70 percent of 
he results show 
nt definitions in 
so, the different 
 laserscans may 
1., 2004). 
n meter 
DEM Size Height 
5km x 5km 05 
5km x 5km 05 
5km x 5km 05 
5km x 5km 05 
Okm x 1.3km 05 
Okm x 7.7km 5.0 
50km x 30km 20 
aset *DLR-DEM- 
ter grid) 
many 12 
S stereo images. 
aria and a part of 
Table 4 gives 
air from SPOTS- 
je morning. The 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
images have the resolution of 5 m in along-track and 10 m in 
across-track directions. 
The test area includes a mountainous area (rolling and strongly 
inclined alpine area) and hilly areas (rough/smooth and weakly 
inclined areas). Our image matching software not only generates 
a large number of mass points, but also produces line features. 
The TIN based DSM was generated from the matched mass 
points and the edges (as break-lines). 
Figure 8 shows the 3D visualization of the generated DSM. The 
results show that the shapes of our generated DSMs are similar to 
the references, but slightly smoothed. This can be expected 
because of the 5m resolution of the satellite images. 
Tables 5 and 6 show the DSM accuracy test results. The 
orientation accuracy is about 6.3 m in planimetry and 2.6 m in 
height. We compute the differences between the heights of the 
reference DEM and the interpolated heights from our DSM. 
Table 6 shows the DSM accuracy test result by masking out the 
tree areas manually. 
From Tables 5 and 6 it can be seen that: 
o The accuracy of the generated DSM is more or less at the 
Ipixel level or even better. Only the datasets 5 give values at 
about 2 pixels, but these higher values are mainly caused by 
o All datasets still contain some blunders, which our procedures 
failed to detect. 
e The results show systematic errors. In datasets 5-1 and 5-2 the 
biases are about 1 pixel. Except in case of dataset 6 all biases are 
significantly negative. This indicates that our generated DSMs 
‘are higher than the reference DEMs, an effect which could be 
Table 5: DSM accuracy, units are meter 
Difference | Difference 
Table 6. DSM accuracy, units are meter 
excluding the tree covered areas 
Difference | Difference 
In this paper we have reported about our current matching 
approaches for fully automated DSM generation from linear 
array images with different resolutions. We have developed a 
matching strategy combining feature point matching, grid point 
matching with neighborhood smoothness constraints, and robust 
edge matching. The strategy allows us to bridge over areas with 
little or no texture and at the same time maintain the important 
contribution of object/image edges. The modified MPGC is used 
to refine the matching results in order to achieve sub-pixel 
accuracy. The geometrical constraints are derived from the 
specific sensor models for the linear array imagery, which can be 
the rigorous sensor model for aerial and satellite images or the 
RF (Rational Function) model for satellite images. 
As evidenced by a visual inspection of the results we can 
reproduce even small geomorphological features. The results 
from the quantitative accuracy test indicate that the presented 
concept leads to good results. If the bias introduced by trees and 
buildings is taken out, we can expect a height accuracy of one 
pixel or even better from satellite imagery (e.g. IKONOS and 
SPOT) as “best case” scenario. In case of very high resolution 
aerial images (footprint 8 cm and better) it is obvious that the 
“one pixel rule” cannot be maintained any more. Alone surface 
roughness and modeling errors will lead to large deviations, such 
that an accuracy of three to five pixels should be considered a 
good result. This is at the same level as laser scanning results. Of 
course, the photogrammetric data can also be produced with the 
same or even better point density. On the other hand, with these 
accuracies we are still operating at a coarser level than with 
manual measurements from analogue aerial images, but we do 
that with the advantage of great gain in processing speed. 
A major problem left is the control and automated detection of 
small blunders, which still infest the results, despite the 
simultaneous matching of more than two images. This 
constitutes a relevant topic for further research. 
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We appreciate the support of 
the Swiss Federal Office of Topography, Bern, which provided 
the laserscan data. We also thank Henri Eisenbeiss, who helped 
in setting up the Thun area as a testfield for highresolution 
satellite image processing. 
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