Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Airborne videos : 
low weight and I 
carriers are disct 
documentation ar 
nowadays also ca 
taken from a mo 
platforms often G 
estimate pose par 
forward looking a 
homography. This 
focal length is not 
five degrees of fr 
remaining three a 
from which we ol 
flight manoeuvre: 
homologies. The 
rotation between t 
matrix. The five d 
eight, which is ex: 
this equation syst 
measurement erro; 
unfavourable. The 
1.1 Unmanned A 
New possibilities 
monitoring, disas 
applications come 
aircraft. These cra 
The payload and p 
they will feature 
contribution inves 
type for the pose 
Automatic control 
one goal while ar 
information source 
range finders, altir 
treat central persp 
through one apertu 
video standard wi

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