Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

ich as building lo- 
great variability of 
ints which have to 
is successful under 
‘ware environment, 
rroneous 3D points 
ess for urban scene 
1 particular, Recon- 
ative sample region 
atively refined by a 
.as is demonstrated 
‘co correspondence 
| in this paper max- 
to perform the seg- 
surface slope or al- 
nto a user-friendly, 
Lab. ReconLab was 
diting environment 
zation and manipu- 
r more) images of 
id level curve capa- 
as texture mapping 
detect and remove 
‘interest. In the fi- 
1 global parametric 
a robust estimation 
:ct of (possibly re- 
e parameters. It is 
eding segmentation 
nce speed of the fit- 
the resulting DTM. 
:rimental results are 
from a DEM is the 
he ground level. To 
n scene is expected 
to the road network 
More formally, the 
which the buildings 
tained from an air- 
Xf the urban scenery. 
considered as being 
surface in 3-space. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Typically for the ground level (or road network) is that it corre- 
sponds to a connected differentiable surface part with low altitude 
(when compared to other DEM points) and which extends over 
the whole urban area represented in the DEM. Therefore, our 
segmentation algorithm aims at grouping DEM points that are 
expected to be samples from a connected differentiable surface 
patch. Moreover, since the algorithm must be able to cope with 
significant variations in slope and in altitude of the ground sur- 
face, “connectivity”, rather than “difference in altitude”, should 
be the crucial property for deciding whether neighbouring DEM 
points belong to the same connected surface component or not. 
This brings us to the following notions. 
21 Definitions 
Let r be positive real number. An r-path is a sequence of distinct 
DEM points (Po, Pi,..., P.) for which each Pj is contained in 
asphere with radius r centered at Pj 1 (i € (1,2,...,n]). Two 
DEM points P? and Q are said to be r-connectable, if there exists 
an r-path starting at P and ending at (). Furthermore, a subset 
of a DEM is called r-connected, if any two DEM points in the 
subset are r-connectable. And, finally, an r-connected subset of 
a DEM is maximally r-connected, if it cannot be extended with 
additional DEM points and still remain r-connected. 
2.2 Preprocessing 
The aim of the segmentation algorithm is to extract the maximally 
r-connected subsets from a DEM. But some care has to be taken 
when using these notions in practice. Indeed, if DEM points are 
represented as triples (x, y, z) with (x, y) the coordinates of the 
scene point in some geographical reference system and with z 
being the altitude of that point in the scene, then, in an accu- 
rate DEM of an urban area, the difference in altitude between 
neighbouring DEM points will generally be much smaller than 
their distance in geographical location. Before applying the seg- 
mentation algorithm, the z-values of the DEM points are there- 
fore multiplied with a positive constant p, in order to bring the 
modus of these differences to the same order of magnitude as the 
generic distances in point location. Mathematically speaking, this 
means that a "sphere with radius r centered at P" in the defini- 
tions above, in practice is an ellipsoid whose maximal horizontal 
section is a circle with radius r and whose smallest (vertical) axis 
is 2r/ p. 
À second point of attention when dealing with real data is the 
presence of noise. Roughly speaking, the nastiest effect of noise 
in a DEM is that the altitude of a DEM point at a particular lo- 
cation deviates from its true value. If not taken into account, 
these arbitrary variations in altitude may cause an oversegmen- 
tation of the DEM: i.e. DEM points originating from one smooth 
connected surface patch may be split up in several small surface 
parts which are not semantically meaningful. This problem is 
commonly alleviated by smoothing the data before processing. 
If one assumes that structural errors have been removed from 
the DEM, then smoothing can be performed by a local averag- 
ing operation. But, as connectivity is the main segmentation 
criterion here, special care has to be taken that the borders of 
maximally r-connected regions are well preserved. Put differ- 
ently, the altitude of DEM points lying at the borders of a maxi- 
mally r-connected region may not be altered significantly by the 
smoothing process. Because r-connectivity boils down to be con- 
tained in a sphere with radius r, inverse distance weighting within 
such a sphere is adopted for smoothing. More precisely, for each 
DEM point P, all points P; contained in a sphere with radius r 
centered at P? are selected and their Euclidean distance d; to P 
is computed. The smoothed z-value Z for P now is the weighted 
S Q0 24 
SS Un 
In practice, « is usually set to 2. It is important to remark here 
that in our algorithm the smoothed altitude Z does not replace 
the original, unscaled z-value of the DEM point P, but is added 
as a supplementary (fourth) coordinate. In this way, the origi- 
nal altitude measurements remain available at any time (e.g. to 
the DTM estimation algorithm to be applied later). Moreover, by 
the previous definitions, DEM points belonging to different seg- 
ments (i.e. points belonging to different maximally r-connected 
regions) can never be r-connectable. Thus, even in the presence 
of noise, points belonging to one segment cannot significantly 
influence the z-values of points in another segment. 
with. wu = (1 — =) ; (1) 
A third, and possibly the most important, point of attention when 
dealing with real data is the detection and removal of isolated 
points. Isolated points may result from errors in the measuring 
process (e.g. when using laser altimetry) or from errors in the 
disparity estimate (e.g. when the DEM is constructed by stereo 
correspondence from imagery), but they may also be due to cor- 
rect measurements of points on building facades or originate from 
vegetation. Isolated points may result in tiny segments; or even 
worse, they may cause linkage of one surface patch to another, 
thus creating an r-path connecting two different surface patches 
and misleading the segmentation algorithm to create too large 
segments. Figure | illustrates these effects. In accordance with 
Figure 1: Left : Segmentation result without prior removal of 
isolated points (2219 regions). Right : Segmentation result with 
prior removal of isolated points (699 regions). 
the previous definitions, an isolated point is a DEM point Q that 
counts less than a threshold number n of other DEM points in a 
sphere with radius r centered at Q. Isolated point removal can be 
performed iteratively: First, scan the DEM for isolated points (de- 
tection phase), then remove the detected isolated points (removal 
phase), and repeat the process until no more isolated points are 
found. Obviously, this procedure is very time consuming. But, 
as our first aim is to extract (sufficient) ground level points from 
the DEM to serve as input for the DTM surface estimation al- 
gorithm (in contradistinction to creating an accurate and seman- 
tically meaningful segmentation of the scene), there is no harm 
in occasionally removing some non-isolated points as well. In 
the experiments reported below, we therefore removed all points 
contained in a sphere with radius r centered at the isolated points 
detected in the first scan, and we did not iterate, in order to obtain 
the segmentation result in real time. 
2.3 The segmentation algorithm 
After the preparatory steps, the actual segmentation is performed. 
As mentioned before, a segment is defined here to be a maximally 
r-connected subset of the DEM. Segmentation thus can easily 
be performed iteratively by a region growing approach starting 
from an (arbitrary) DEM point that is not assigned to a segment

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