Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

B3. Istanbul 2004 
identified and se- 
ılgorithm on state- 
n section 4. 
rresponding to the 
lation of a surface 
performed by the 
rdan et al, 2002). 
gorithm. For more 
sion of its perfor 
and above ground 
> papers. 
ce z(x,y), where 
at geographic po- 
rary smoothly, the 
car combination of 
VEI + ly ) 
V2 + lvyy)] 
Lu, dT, fora 
lel can be seen asa 
e main philosophy 
lered as a surface, 
d by buildings and 
dd to the high fre- 
rain shape would 
terms. Hence, the 
1e form (2) with a 
ound points in the 
at is present in the 
are estimated from 
,m]) of the DEM 
obtained from the 
dinates into equa- 
linear equations 
r(1) SN.NO) 
7 (2) SN,N 2) 
(m) Sn. nm) 
statistically robust 
'stimator theory, in 
bove ground DEM 
ig a function p of 
model predictions 
thus is: 
js (4) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin g and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
For the function p traditionally Tukey's norm is used. But keep- 
ing in mind that ground points systematically yield negative er- 
rors co (7), we use the asymmetric adaptation of Tukey's norm 
given by: 
0 | fe<O 
c? € 423 tp 
pele) = $ (1-0-1377) ifü«esc 
S otherwise 
(cis a scale factor). The weight function w. corresponding to this 
norm is: 
1 ife 
We) = f0ce<e (6) 
0 otherwise 
Minimization of the object function proceeds iteratively till con- 
vergence by the weighted least-squares solution of the (iterated) 
system (3) : 
OW = (M WPM) M'w? , (7) 
where Kk is the iteration step and W^ = diag ( un(e? )) is 
the diagonal weight matrix. 
The iteration process is started by computing an initial DTM by 
means of a least-squares solution ofthe system (3) based on a ran- 
dom sample of DEM points from the full DEM, or on the DEM 
points contained in the ground level segment as obtained from the 
segmentation phase. In the subsequent iteration steps, the value 
of c is progressively decreased in order to reject more and more 
above ground DEM points as being “outliers”, the weight matrix 
w? is updated according to the new value of c and a new model 
estimate 8^) is computed. The minimal and the maximal values 
of c are user-defined, but they must be chosen in accordance with 
the amplitude of the DEM and the minimal height of the above 
ground structures in the scene. 
The segmentation and the DTM surface fitting algorithm have 
been tested on state-of-the-art DEMs obtained through correspon- 
dence matching as well as from laser altimetry of several com- 
plex urban areas in France with various landscape types ranging 
from relatively flat and with modest constant slope to regions with 
large variations in terrain slope and altitude. In particular, the fol- 
lowing three sorts of data were used in the experiments reported 
Synthetic DEM : A synthetic DEM of size 1024 x 1024, which 
is generated as follows: First, an analytic “terrain” is computed 
as a sum of harmonic functions. Then five “buildings” are added 
to the terrain. These are rectangular block shapes with different 
heights. Finally, Gaussian noise is added to this analytic scene. 
DEM computed by stereo correlation: This DEM is com- 
puted with the algorithm of (Cord er al., 2001) on a stereo pair 
of scanned aerial images from the Hoengg dataset (Dataset Ho- 
engg, 2001). The original images and the DEM are of dimensions 
1664 x 1512 and with a ground resolution of about 10 cm per 
pixel. The terrain slope on this area is approximately 10 1n. 
Airborne laser DEM: The third dataset is an airborne laser 
DEM, kindly provided to us by the Institut Géographique Na- 
tional (France). The complete DEM covers a 2 km x 2 km area 
on the center of Amiens (France), where each pixel has a ground 
resolution of 20 em. In the experiments reported here, we used 
two sub-areas presenting various terrain slopes: The first one has 
dimensions 1212 x 1640 and the second one covers an area of 
size 2048 x 2048 in the city center. 
First, the segmentation algorithm was applied to the data in order 
to test whether large portions of the ground level could be ex- 
tracted in a (semi-)automatic manner. It turned out that, regard- 
less of the terrain, the same parameter settings (i.e. the choices 
for the radii of the spheres — systematically denoted by r in sec- 
tion 2, — the scale factor p for scaling the z-coordinates, and 
the threshold n for isolated point detection) could be used for 
all DEMs with similar dimensions. Due to page restrictions, we 
are only able to present here the results obtained from one of the 
above mentioned dataset. Readers who are interested in a detailed 
discussion of the results of segmentation and DTM estimation on 
the other datasets as well are referred to (Van de Woestyne er al., 
2004). It is important to note, however, that the results described 
by means of the particular example below transfer to the other 
datasets as well. 
Figure 3 (a) shows one of the images of the first sub-area of the 
Amiens region (France). The corresponding part of the DEM, 
which was obtained through airborne laser scanning, is depicted 
in Figure 3(b). The coloring in Figure 3 (b) represents the al- 
titude of the corresponding scene point (with red indicating the 
highest value and blue the lowest). Figure 3(c) illustrates the 
effect of smoothing and of isolated point removal on the DEM 
in Figure 3(b). The scale factor p applied to the z-coordinates 
was set to 10 and the radii of the spheres used for both smooth- 
ing and isolated point removal was also set to 10. The threshold 
n for an isolated point was set to 4. Observe that mostly DEM 
points corresponding to building facades and vegetation are re- 
moved. Figure 3 (d) shows the segmentation of the DEM, which 
was automatically obtained by the algorithm described in sec- 
tion 2.3. Here 12 was used as value for the radius in the definition 
of r-connectivity. Remark that a larger value for the radius of the 
spheres is used in the segmentation phase than for the preprocess- 
ing steps. The reason is that the radius r used in the preprocessing 
stage expresses some sort of error tolerance that is applied to the 
estimated altitude of the DEM points, whereas the radius r in the 
segmentation stage, on the contrary, represents the minimal sep- 
aration distance between different surface patches in the scene. 
As mentioned at the beginning of section 2, the ground level in 
dense urban areas is expected to be largely made up of the road 
network; and thus is likely to correspond to one of the largest 
DEM segments, to have low altitude when compared to the other 
segments, and, most importantly, to extend over the whole urban 
area represented in the DEM. Selecting the segment containing 
the largest number of DEM points in Figure 3 (d) results in the 
area depicted in Figure 3 (e). When a relative altitude coloring is 
applied to the segment (i.e. the coloring does not indicate abso- 
lute height values, but the colors red and blue respectively corre- 
spond to the highest and the lowest point in the segment itself), 
then possible errors immediately catch the eye. Indeed, a closer 
look to Figure 3(e) shows a red colored spot approximately in 
the middle of the figure and near the lower edge, whereas all the 
other DEM points in the segment obtain a blueish color. This 
indicates that the altitude of the spot seriously deviates from the 
average altitude of the rest of the segment. So, probably this is 
an error. In the introduction it is mentioned that the segmentation 
algorithm is built into a user-friendly, multi-platform software en- 
vironment, called ReconLab. ReconLab was initially designed to 

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