Istanbul 2004
P-2001) Salt
, 2001.
, Detection of
tation, Poject
mbre 2002).
Yuri B. Blokhinov *, Dmitry A. Gribov n
State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (FGUP GosNIIAS), Moscow, Russia
*, °
Working Group III/2
KEY WORDS: Automation, matching, recognition, detection, feature, imagery, mosaic, aerial
The original approach to image matching is proposed. The method itself can be classified as relational matching, bases on point
features. For robust extraction and filtration of features the special procedure, based on dynamic resampling technique, was
elaborated. Further the rotation invariant relations among the features are used to confirm or reject initial hypothesis. All calculation
procedures are time effective and invariant to images rotation. Finally, the approach given is applied to two different tasks:
automatic mosaic creation from video camera sequence frames and automatic relative orientation of photographic camera images.
Image matching is the task, aroused in many different
applications. Both input data and practical aims can differ, but
the underlined principles are the same. So the task under
consideration should be of interest for wide range of specialists.
Here we try to develop the sort of feature based relational
matching as the most suitable for comparison of large images.
Considerable efforts was done by the investigators in this
branch, many interesting results was obtained (Heipke, C.,
1996, Woozug, C., ., 1996), each optimal to use in it's specific
domain. The method, described below, was elaborated for real
technical applications and two properties was obligatory for it:
to work in the near real time (minutes, not hours) and to give
reliable results.
In short, after some kinds of special pre-processing procedures,
image can be represented as a set of spatially distributed
features. Each feature is unique and, in general, can be
described by some digital parameters and hence can be
distinguished among another features. Main features types are
(Henricsson, O., 1996) points, lines and regions. For each type
the specific methods are elaborated to extract it from image.
When all substantial features in the image are extracted, their
relative coordinates with respect to each other can be fixed.
Now we can say, that image is described by the finite set of
numbers, features’ parameters and their relative coordinates,
and to compare different images in the formal mathematical
way. The main problem is that most of methods used at present
for image recognition require considerable time to implement.
This is due to the fact that complex feature extraction by known
algorithms is very time-consuming procedure. This paper
introduces one approach to relational image matching, suitable
for performance in near real time.
2.1 Task and data
The input data are video shooting obtained by swinging camera
from airplane. Raw material can be cut into sequence frames,
which are considered as a set of digital images, the overlapping
is 40-80%. The total sequence sometimes includes thousands of
frames and cover large area of the surface. Mosaic of these
frames, built up on-the-fly, is of considerable interest in some
practical applications. In the given case “to build on-the-fly”
means to build automatically due to very large number of input
images. Substantially that all algorithms should rotational
invariant and non sensitive to variations in brightness level
among different frames.
Figure 1. Sample of video frames
2.2 Features extraction
Proper choice of features is the key part of relational matching
(Henricsson, O., 1996). A reasonable compromise should be
found between the informativity and complexity of the features
at hand. Lines and regions are informative and stable though,
they requires much time for extraction and handling. So for
*build on-the-fly" algorithm only point features were taken into
consideration. As the index for interest points extraction the
variance of image brightness V (x, y) was taken. Variance for
window of size NxN, centred at xo, yo is defined as follows: