International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
1 N N
$3 ARR apo)
| N
2 > JG xy y t Yo »
(CN + D) YXz-N yz
V. (xo. yo. N)
where f(x, y)- image brightness in point with coordinates
X, y.
The examples of variances for two consecutive frames are
shown in the Figure 2. The operator of maximum variance was
Figure 2. Variance fields (window size 3x3)
taken as the operator of interest for image due to simple
structure and computational stability. At first step a list of
candidate points is extracted by maximum operator with
window size 5x5. The lists of candidate points for left and right
images are shown in the Figure 3 and, in general, depends on
Figure 3. Candidate points lists for features
window size. At the next step the informativity size of each’
feature is defined and then used to select stable features. The
informativity size is defined in the following way. Consider
variance V in the given point as function of window size N, the
typical form of the function is presented in the Figure 4.
Figure 4. Informativity size
Abscissa of the maximum is considered to be the informativity
size I of the given feature. This valuable parameter is used in
filtering of the lists of candidate features for left and right
images. Those features with 1 « Im Where I, is threshold, are
filtered out. Small features should be filtered out because they
could arise due noise maxima. The lists of candidate points for
left and right images after filtering are shown in the Figure 5.
Figure 5. Lists of features after filtering, Ll, 7 11
2.3 Features matching
Now we should set up a correspondence between features at the
left and right images. For that the set of K parameters
describing features should be introduced. Two features, close in
K-dimensional space of parameters, are considered as the
conjugate pair. The obligatory condition the parameters should
satisfy is the invariance to shift, rotation and scale. Suitable
theoretical basis for tasks of this type was laid by Hu, M.K
(Hu, M.K., 1962), who developed the algebraic theory of
invariant moments for image recognition. He proposed to use
seven invariants for this purpose:
Ly =f Moo
f= (ty — May FAL
I s MY + Otte 7 Ha
Lets) tn + 493) (2)
I, = ts 7345: to 42s * 142 y- 34, * Ha ]+
* Qus = Hos hay + ys DG, ttis y- (Us t fias ]
Is = ts — 4 Ato * 42 y- t + Hoy »] +4, (fag + 12 Xt) + Hes)
I SH = Ms Who + Hip Mts + 200 Fe = 00 + fl 1
* Quis = Han (Hay t 4003 [30430 + 442 y- (t, + Hoa]
where on™ S. Y Gin EV Que XY FL 1) = central moment
xeQ yeQ
of the order (p+q) for window centered in x,y
f(x, y) * normalized image brightness
Q - image area in x,y coordinates
These invariants are taken to form the K-dimensional parameter
space to compare the point features. Account must be taken of
the fact that invariant propertied were established for
continuous case. In discrete scheme some errors of
discretization can arise, especially in rotation of images more
then 45 degrees.
International A
images is no
space. Features
are L
where I:
R j^
right image
Let i=1,N, a
candidates on
considered as c
At given stage
criteria (4), N=
2.4 Features
In order to veri
properly, the a
of points posit
features at le
distribution its
Consider the s
image, Figure (
Distances betw
matrix ||A;| as