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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Correspondence between set of features at the left and right
images is now established in the 7-dimensional parameter
space. Features are compared by distance:
S n H2 06:395) 2806597 (3)
: k=0 max(/; (x; V7)» i? (x; mn )
where iH (1.9) 7 value of k-th invariant in x;, y; of the left
2 2 sth inUsti: e x 0 af fho
Il (xxt value of k-th invariant in Xp Yj of the
right image
Let i=1,N, and j21,Ng , where N,, Ng are the numbers of
candidates on the left and right images respectively. Point j is
considered as conjugate for i, if
S, » min(S,,), ket Nij (4)
At given stage all conjugate points are tied in N pairs using
criteria (4), N=min(N,, Ng).
2.4 Features examination
In order to verify that conjugate pairs of point features was tied
properly, the additional information about relative coordinates
of points positions was used. In short, space distributions of
features at left and right images should be similar, the
distribution itself can be described as a set of distances.
Consider the set of points Aj, A,,..., Aj..., Ay in the plane
image, Figure 6.
Figure 6. Point features distribution
Distances between points can be arranged in the form of NxN
matrix ||A;|| as follows:
A 4. 4 — A
4 1 On, — M hs
A, 0 . n By (5)
A, 0 . f.
Ay 0
where hrs = Euclidian distance
(xe Que Y
between points A; and A,
Xi, y; ^ image coordinates of point A;
Xk, Yk = image coordinates of point Ay
To verify N pairs of conjugate points, matrix llAiHl for the left
image and AG for the right image should be compared. For
qualitative estimation of erroneous tying variable &; is
Si ri^ -T i (6)
Analysis of the histogram of variable 6j; enables to estimate the
threshold A to reject features according to the criteria stated
below. Note that point with number (i) has N-1 connections
with others, appropriate distances in matrix ||A;| are: ri; r»;,...,
Iii, l'iis1,..., Tin. Accordingly, the set of differences associated
with conjugate pair with number (1) is
877 (81, 05... 85, 1,4... Bin} (7)
with [8l 7 minii $a Bus Bienes Bind: = norm of
vector à;
Pair of conjugate points is accepted if ||Bj|€ A, otherwise it is
rejected. Verification procedure is performed for every i from |
to N. Essential, that verification criterion based on analysis of
matrix (5) is invariant to rotation of images.
To make the algorithm more effective, the pyramids of images
were used. Initial approximation for sets of points is found at
the highest pyramid level and then defined more exactly at next
levels using cross-correlation. The example of performance of
the algorithms above for video frames is presented in Figure 7
Figure 7. Accepted conjugate points, video camera frames
2.5 Invariance to rotation
At current stage it’s worth trying to optimize the dimension and
composition of parameter space, keeping in mind that features
should be invariant to images rotation. Really the use of 7
invariants is more reliable, but requires considerable
computational time. The results presented in Table 8 enable to
conclude that optimal number of invariants, taken into
consideration is 4. The worst percentage of success is taken
place near a=45", as it could be expected because the discrete
resampling error is maximum at this angle.