Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
- proceed with features verification using epipolar geometry 
- estimate orientation parameters using the coarse-to-fine 
approach to increase the accuracy of result. 
The approach under consideration was implemented and tested 
in digital photogrammetric system Z Space (Blokhinov, Y., 
Sibiryakov, A., Skryabin, S., 2000). Two examples of the tests 
are shown in Figure 11 and 12. Accuracies for standard 
deviation of the image coordinates are 0.36 and 0.27 pixels 
Figure 11. Accepted conjugate points, automatic relative 
orientation of aeroborn images 
Figure 12. Accepted conjugate points, automatic relative 
orientation of spaceborn images TK-350 
Now it’s up to user to decide, whether the approach concerned 
meets the requirements of practice. 
In the presented paper the universal approach to image 
matching for various types of imagery is proposed. At first, 
point features are extracted and filtered, using the original 
concept of “informativity size”. The conjugate pairs of features 
are tied according to their vicinity in parameter space and 
filtered using the relational distance graph, both measures being 
invariant to image rotation. In what follows the conjugate points 
found can be used in different ways according to final goal of 
specific work. 
In this study the approach was applied to the tasks of automatic 
mosaic creation from video camera sequence frames and 
automatic relative orientation of photographic camera images. 
In all cases the approach concerned shows high reliability and 
computational efficiency. 
Blokhinov, Y., Sibiryakov, A., Skryabin, S., 2000. Z Space - 
digital photogrammetric system for Russian TK-350 images. 
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Sensing, Amsterdam, Vol. XXXIII , Part B2, Com. II, 81-90. 
Heipke, C., 1996. Automation of interior, relative and absolute 
orientation. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Vienna, Vol. XXXI, Part B3, pp. 297-311. 
Henricsson, O., 1996. Analysis of Image Structure using Color 
Attributes and Similarity Relations. Dr. sc. techn., Institute of 
Geodesy and Photogrammetry Swiss Federal Institute of 
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invariants. IRE Trans. Information Theory, Vol IT-8, pp. 179 — 
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orientation. Optical 3D Measurement Techniques II: 
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