Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
developed programs using points, lines, and combined 
points/lines and to test the accuracy of the developed program 
using point-based projective equations by comparing its results to 
two well-known commercial software programs; Erdas Imagine 
' version. 8.5 and Intergraph (Z/I Imaging) I/RASC version 8.4 as 
shown in the following subsections. 
3.1 Aerial Photography 
It was essential to use aerial photographs first, before applying to 
satellite imagery, since the projective equations are derived based 
on frame geometry. An aerial photograph of a 1:4500 scale for an 
urbanized city center was used in this experiment (Figure 1). A 
number of 5 control points, and 5 check points were selected to 
be used with the point-based projective equations program. Then, 
5 control lines, and the same 5 check points were used with the 
line-based projective equations program. Finally, 3 control lines, 
2 control points and the same 5 check points were used with the 
combined point\line program. Table 1 shows the different Root 
Mean Square (RMS) results of the 5 check points when using the 
projective equations of point, line, and combined point/line. The 
results show a superior performance of the line and combined 
point/line solutions over the point-based solution for this case of 
only 5 control points. 
Figure 1. Aerial Photograph of an Urban City Center with 
Control (blue) and Check (red) Features Distribution 
RMS Point-based | Line-based Combined 
Program Program Point/Line 
X (cm) 4.28 2.38 2.44 
Y (cm) 4.17 2.27 2.18 
Table 1. RMS Results of 5 Check Points for Aerial Photography 
A LANDSAT7 satellite image was used in this experiment. The 
panchromatic band, with its 15-m resolution, was selected 
(Figure 2). The image covers an area around Lake Nasr in the 
southern part of Egypt. 
In the first experiment, the developed program for point-based 
projective equations was used with various number of control 
points in order to achieve the best possible accuracy limits. 
RMS values of 25 check points are listed in Table 2 where it is 
clear that 25 control points are needed to achieve the 
acceptable accuracy of around 1.1 of a pixel. 
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Figure 2. LANDSAT7 Image of Lake Nasr with its Control 
(blue) and Check (blue) Features Distribution 
RMS 5 10 15 20 25 
control | control control | control | control 
points points points points points 
X(m) [120.22 | 99.65 65.33 26.15 16.68 
X(m) | 121.05 | 99.80 66.03 26.14 16.72 
Table 2. RMS Values of 25 Check Points for LANDSAT7 
Panchromatic Image Using Point-based Technique with 
Various Number of Control Points 
Next, the point-based projective equations program was 
compared to that of Erdas Imagine and Z/I Imaging I/RASC. 
Then, the line-based projective equations program was used 
with 5 control lines. Finally, the combined point/line-based 
projective equations program was used with 3 control lines and 
2 control points. The RMS results of the same 25 check points 
are listed in Table 3. It is important to note the equivalence of 
the results of the 25 control points with only 5 control lines 
and/or 3 control lines and 2 control points. This clearly shows 
‘the importance and potential of using straight lines as control 
features in the rectification process. 
RMS Erdas Point- Line- | Combined 
Imagi [RAS based based | Point/Line 
X (m) 16.68 16.16 16.68 16.07 16.36 
Y (m) | 16.69 16.14 16.72 16.53 16.62 
Table 3. RMS Values of 25 Check Points for LANDSAT7 
Panchromatic Image Using Point, Line, and Combined 
Point/Line Techniques 
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3.3 SPOT4 
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The panchron 
developed pro 
first to achiev 
points was nee 
25 checkpoint 
Xm) | 11 
x an) | 11. 
Table 4. 
The comparis 
projective equ 
performed nex 
based and the : 
with various 
accuracy as wi 
values of the 
the line-based 
for the combin 
Figure 3. SPC 
RMS | Erd: 
X(m) | 13. 
Y n) | 13. 
Table 5. 
The second . 
multispectral ii 
northern part 
RMS values o 
was needed to 

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