Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Zheng Wang 
EarthData Holdings, 7320 Executive Way, Frederick, MD 21704, USA 
E-Mail: zwang(@carthdata.com 
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, Image, Building, Application, Algorithm 
For many applications, dense Lidar data is often needed. For instance, for telecommunication antenna network design, 1 meter 
spacing Lidar data would be needed for downtown area of a big city. However, it is expensive to collect high density Lidar data. 
Many systems can easily collect 2-3 meter spacing data with one flight line, but for 1 meter spacing data, multiple flight lines 
including cross flight lines have to be flown to meet the spacing requirement. In this paper, a novel approach is presented to tackle 
the problem. The approach generates 3D points through image matching techniques to densify Lidar points at where denser points 
are needed. For example, when denser building points are needed, the approach will first identify all the buildings and then generates 
3D points for the buildings. The generated 3D points plus the existing Lidar points will make a denser coverage for the buildings. 
The 3D points can be generated at any specified reasonable spacing. The paper first introduces the motivation and need to develop 
such an approach, and then describes the concept of the approach and the system design. After those are the experimental results and 
For many applications, dense Lidar data is often needed. For 
instance, in telecommunication antenna network design, 1 
meter spacing Lidar data would be needed for downtown 
area of a big city. However, it is expensive to collect high 
density Lidar data. Many systems can easily collect 2-3 
meter spacing data with one flight line, but for 1 meter 
spacing data, multiple flight lines including cross flight lines 
have to be flown to meet the spacing requirement. So, the 
need of minimizing the cost of Lidar data acquisition 
motivate people to explore the possibility of using other 
alternative(s) to meet the point density requirement. In this 
paper, a novel approach of using stereo images to densify the 
Lidar data points is presented. 
Quite often, when Lidar data is collected, stereo imagery 
covering the same area that the Lidar data covers is acquired 
as well. We all know that 3D terrain data can be extracted 
from a stereo pair of images (left and right images normally 
with 60% overlap) either manually or automatically. When it 
is done manually, breaklines and mass points are digitized 
from a stereo pair of images on a softcopy photogrammetry 
system. When it is done automatically, image matching 
technique(s) are used to find conjugate points on the stereo 
pair of images and then 3D points are formed by the space 
intersection process (Moffitt and Mikhail, 1980) for the 
conjugate points. Here, conjugate points always come in pair; 
one in the left image and the other one in the right image and 
a pair of conjugate points represent the same point on the 
ground. If a mass of conjugate points generated by the 
automated image matching process is dense enough, then the 
conjugate points become an additional terrain data source 
and can be used as complement to the existing Lidar data 
points. When the two data sources are merged together, the 
needed point spacing can be met. 
Image matching techniques have been used for more than a 
decade to generate Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) (Grün 
at al., 1995). Image matching works quite effectively and 
efficiently for areas where terrain is flat or rolling and ground 
surface has rich texture, i.e., the surface texture is not 
uniform like sand beach. However, image matching faces 
difficulties at where terrain changes abruptly, e.g., steep 
mountains and high-rise buildings in cities. The concept of 
using image matching to generate DEMs is to find 2D 
conjugate points in a stereo pair of images through image 
matching technique and then generate 3D ground points by 
the space intersection process for the 2D conjugate points. 
One of the parameters in the image matching is the Search 
Window that determines the searching range of a conjugate 
point. The size of the search window is critical to the success 
of the image matching process. A too big search window 
often leads to a wrong match. On the contrary, a too small 
search window easily leads to no match. The search window 
should be a function of the terrain elevation change: the 
bigger the elevation changes, the bigger the search window 
should be. But, when there is no terrain information available 
at all for an area, the selection of the search window size can 
only be based on any available general knowledge of the 
terrain in the area, and therefore the image matching results 
are certainly not as reliable as one wants. However, when 
there exists available terrain information such as from an 
existing Lidar data, the existing Lidar data can make a huge 
positive difference on the results of the image matching. The 
existing Lidar data can provide accurate and reliable 
elevation information about the terrain, which allows an 
accurate determination of the searching location and a 
relatively small search window, which, in turn, keeps the 
image matching time to a minimum. 
This paper presents an approach developed at EarthData that 
uses stereo images to generate 3D points through image 
matching with terrain information from an existing Lidar 
data set and then add the generated 3D points to the existing 
Lidar data set to meet the Lidar data point density 
requirement. For many applications, dense Lidar points are 
only needed for buildings, again for example, the 
telecommunication antenna network design. Therefore, this 
approach was designed to not densify the entire area of a 
Lidar data coverage; instead, it only densifies the buildings. 
Doing so also keeps the data amount to a minimum. 
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