Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The SFS program has been tested both on differently simulated 
LIDAR datasets and really measured points acquired with an 
Optech? ALTM 3033 airborne system. 
5.1 Testing on simulated data 
As far as simulated datasets are concerned, a lot of experiments 
has been carried on, here reporting 6 tests differing for surface 
type (plane and quadratic), for value of spatial interaction p and 
for mean noise |g]. In each dataset, with irregularly spaced 
points, the presence of some buildings (outliers of the ground 
surface) has been simulated. The number of ground and non- 
ground points is then exactly known, so that the efficiency of 
the algorithm could be easily verified. 
General characteristics of these 6 examples, simulating real 
survey conditions, are reported in Table 6. 
Surface type Plane (=3) | 2™ Order (r=5) 
6,=1,000 6,=+0,005 
Polynomial coefficients 6,=0,050 0,=-0,001 
6,=-0,010 05—0,0015 
Uncorrelated noise o, Plan-1:0,10 m | Quad-1: 0,10 m 
Plan-2: 0,20 m | Quad-2: 0,20 m 
Gyr Surface Plan-3: 0,25. m |_Quad-3: 0,25 m 
Plan-1: 0,0 Quad-1: 0,0 
Spatial interaction p Plan-2: 0,1 Quad-2: 0,1 
Plan-3: 0,2 Quad-3: 0,2 
Number of points (n) 1.886 
Raw data (not grid) Yes 
Points sampling 1 point/m (mean) 
Dataset area 1.760 m* 
AZ 13,6 m 
Number of “building points” 413 (mean) 
Courtyard closed areas Yes 
Table 6: Summary of simulated LIDAR data. 
Processing such datasets by SFS (Figures 3+5 relate to Plan-3) 
has given very satisfactory results: ground trend surface and 
building/outlier have been well detected (see Table 7). 
Correct within 5% 
Detection of surface type 
Coefficient estimation 
Statistical errors on classification: 
1% kind (false outlier) 
2" kind (false ground) 
p estimate 
Correct within 10% 
Table 7: SFS filtering of the simulated data: general results. 
The performance of the SFS for classification can be 
significantly validate by applying onto same datasets the 
program TerraScan® (Soininen, 2003), a very well known 
software for LIDAR data processing developed by Terrasolid 
Ltd. A binary classification (ground/non-ground) was obtained 
by suitably exploiting the following routines: 
1. “Classify ground”: classifies ground points by iteratively 
building a triangulated surface model. 
2. “Low points”: classifies points that are lower than other 
points in the vicinity. It is often used to search for possible 
error points that are clearly below the ground. 
3. “Below surface”: classifies points that are lower than other 
neighbouring points in the source class. This routine was 
run after ground classification to locate points that are 
below the true ground surface. 
4. “By height from ground”: classifies points that are located 
within a given height range when compared with ground 
point surface model. 
Comparison among true, SFS and TerraScan classification 
results is shown in Figure 8. As a general statement, we can say: 
e SFS provides about 2% of errors of second statistical kind 
(false ground), so that some outlier has not been detected; 
e  TerraScan? seems to commit more than 10% of first kind 
errors (false outlier), so that many points were “rejected”, 
although they belong to the ground (but noisy) surface. 
1600 1: 
1200 4: ea 
1000 £ 
800 4 
OTrue Grou 
Æ Ground points for SFS 
200 : 
Bi Ground points for TerraScan 
o 41 T I = I. 3 
A, ^, ES 
% S». > % %, % 
7 > v € o > X» 
Figure 8: True vs. SFS vs. TerraScan classification of points. 
5.2 Testing on really acquired data (city of Gorizia) 
To evaluate LIDAR technology for DTM production, millions 
of points were acquired in October 2003 over the city of Gorizia 
with an airborne Optech? ALTM 3033 laser scanning system. 
Data strips have been split into different sub-zones, in order to 
avoid heavy computations with huge quantities of memory 
storage, but anyway still being capable to test the efficiency of 
the SFS method for real cases. General characteristics of sub- 
zones are reported in Table 9. 
Surface type Urban area 
Data type First & Last pulse 
Number of points (n) 15.000 (mean for sub-zone 
Raw data (not grid) Yes 
1 point/m* (mean) 
Points sampling 
15.000 m? (mean) 
Dataset area 
Az 44,3 m 
Vegetation Yes 
Buildings Yes 
Courtyard closed areas No 
Table 9: Summary of Optech® LIDAR data on Gorizia. 
The sub-zone submitted to test is the downtown square, mainly 
constituted of quasi-horizontal plane terrain; furthermore 
different types of building were present, together with high and 
low vegetation and a lot of parked cars. No power-lines or other 
structures were present. 
LIDAR points were processed either by SFS or by TerraScan: 
with this last software, firstly objects are classified in two 
classes: ground and non-ground points. Successively, other 
classes such as buildings and vegetation were detected yet. 
The difference among SFS/TerraScan classifications regards 
679 points (4,5% on 14.953 total points), ranked as “ground” 

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