Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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W. Wagner * *, A. Ullrich”, T. Melzer *, C. Briese ©, K. Kraus © 
* Christian Doppler Laboratory for Spatial Data from Laser Scanning and Remote Sensing, Vienna University of 
Technology, Gusshausstrasse 27-29, 1040 Vienna, Austria - (ww, tm)@ipf.tuwien.ac.at 
° Riegl Research GmbH, 3580 Horn, Austria - aullrich@riegl.co.at 
© Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna University of Technology, Gusshausstrasse 27-29, 1040 
Vienna, Austria - (cb, kk)@ipf.tuwien.ac.at 
KEY WORDS: Laser scanning, Digitisation, Retrieval, Vegetation, Accuracy, Automation 
Airborne laser scanning, often referred to as lidar or laser altimetry, is a remote sensing technique which measures the round-trip 
time of emitted laser pulses to determine the topography of the Earth's surface. While the first commercially available airborne laser 
scanners recorded only the time of one backscattered pulse, state-of-the-art systems measure first and last pulse; some are able to 
measure up to five pulses. This is because there may be several objects within the travel path of the laser pulse that generate multiple 
echoes. Pulse detection is then used to determine the location of these individual scatterers. In this paper we discuss the physical 
measurement process and explain the way how distributed targets (such as trees or inclined surfaces) transform the emitted pulse. It 
is further shown through theoretical experiments that different detectors may yield quite different height information, depending on 
the type of the target. For example, even in the simple case of a tilted roof (with a tilt angle of 45?) the range values obtained by 
using different detectors may vary by — 0.4 m for a laser footprint size of 1 m. Airborne laser scanner systems that digitise the full 
waveform of the backscattered pulse would give more control to the user in the interpretation process. It would e.g. be possible to 
pre-classify the acquired data with respect to the shape of the echoes, to use different detection methods depending on surface cover 
and the intended application, and to employ more physically-based retrieval methods. 
Airborne laser scanning is a rapidly growing technology which 
has initially been conceived for topographic mapping. Airborne 
laser scanners employ, with few exceptions, pulsed lasers that 
repetitively emit short infrared pulses towards the Earth's 
surface. Some of the energy is scattered back to the sensor 
where it is measured with an optical receiver. A timer measures 
the travelling time of the pulse from the laser scanner to the 
Earth's surface and back. Since the round-trip time is directly 
related to the distance of the sensor to the ground, the 
topography of the Earth's surface can be reconstructed. 
One advantage of airborne laser scanning compared to classical 
photography is that laser scanners are not dependent on the sun 
as a source of illumination. Consequently, the interpretation of 
laser scanner data is not hampered by shadows caused by 
clouds or neighbouring objects. For example, laser scanner 
pulses may travel unimpeded back and forth along the same 
path through small openings in a forest canopy, providing 
information about the forest floor. In contrast, optical images 
provide information only about the illuminated top layers of the 
forest canopy, while lower canopy layers and the forest floor 
constitute a dark background. 
Since 1960, when Theodore Maiman demonstrated that “light 
amplification by stimulated emission of radiation” (laser) is also 
possible in the infrared and optical part of the electromagnetic 
spectrum, lasers have been widely used for military intelligence 
* Corresponding author 
and civil surveying. But it took more then thirty years before 
laser scanners were deployed on commercial airborne platforms 
for topographic mapping purposes. There are many reasons for 
the relatively late adoption of airborne laser scanner 
technology: Flood (2001) mentions as critical factors the 
increasing availability of commercial off-the shelf sensors in 
the mid-90s, advancements in the design and capabilities of the 
sensors themselves, and an increased awareness by end users 
and contracting agencies. Ackermann (1999) points out the 
importance of precise kinematic positioning of the airborne 
platform by differential GPS (“Global Positioning System”) and 
inertial attitude determination by IMU (“Internal Measurement 
Unit”) for accurate referencing to an external coordinate 
system. Finally, also the increasing computer power probably 
played an important role, given that a large amount of data is 
acquired during each laser scanner flight (0.1 - 10 points per 
square meter). 
The development of airborne laser scanning has been largely 
technology driven (Ackermann, 1999), but advances in our 
understanding of the measurement process have quickly led to 
system improvements. The first commercially available 
airborne laser scanners recorded the time of one backscattered 
pulse. The recording of only one pulse is sufficient if there is 
only one target within the laser footprint. In this case the shape 
of the reflected pulse is “single mode” and straightforward to 
interpret. However, even for small laser footprints (0.2 - 2 m) 
there may be several objects within the travel path of the laser 
pulse that generate individual backscatter pulses. Therefore 

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