Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
more advanced laser scanners have been built which are capable 
of recording more than one pulse. State-of-the-art commercial 
laser scanners typically measure first and last pulse; some are 
able to measure up to five pulses. Still, the problem is that it is 
not always clear how to interpret these measurements for 
different targets, particularly if the detection methods for the 
determination of the trigger pulses are not known. 
Pragmatically, one may for example assume over forested 
terrain that the first pulse is associated with the top of canopy 
and the last pulse, with some probability, with the forest floor. 
However, due to the 3D structure of natural and artificial 
objects, the form of the received pulses may be quite complex. 
The number and timing of the recorded trigger-pulses are 
therefore critically dependent on the employed detection 
algorithms. Consequently, it appears to be the logical next step 
to employ laser scanners that are able to record the full- 
waveform. In fact, first commercial full-waveform laser scanner 
systems will become available in the near future. 
Another, to a certain degree oppositional trend in laser scanner 
scanning, is the design of laser beams with smaller and smaller 
beam divergence (tendency to “single mode” signals). With this 
sensors the number of multiple returns per emitted pulse will 
decrease, due to the fact that a smaller surface patch is 
illuminated. Since the acquired information per beam decreases, 
classification of the data is only possible in relation to 
neighbouring echoes. An interesting aspect for the future 
system design may eventually be the combination of narrow 
(only one single return with high quality range information) and 
wide (recording the full-waveform information) beams in order 
to use the advantages of both techniques. 
In order to exploit the potential of full-waveform digitising laser 
scanners, the physical measurement process must be well 
understood (Wagner et al., 2003). In this paper we shortly 
review the technical characteristics of laser scanning systems 
(Section 2) and discuss basic physical concepts that allow to 
understand the way how distributed targets (such as trees or 
inclined surfaces) transform the emitted pulse (Section 3). By 
taking simple examples, the implications of using different 
post-processing algorithms for the determination of trigger- 
pulse are demonstrated (Section 4). Finally, section 5 discusses 
some of the issues that need to be addressed by future research 
and development efforts in order to fully exploit full-waveform 
laser scanners. 
All commercial airborne laser scanner systems measure the 
travelling time of short laser pulses (pulses are typically 5-10 ns 
long), but otherwise may vary significantly in their design. For 
example, some systems use rotating mirrors as deflection units, 
others glass fibres. The laser wavelength is typically in the 
range from 0.8 to 1.55 um. 
Figure 1 illustrates this distance measurement principle. An 
emitted laser scanner pulse (here we use for simplicity a square 
pulse) interacts with the earth’s surface. This interaction leads, 
if the pulse illuminates a vertically elongated surface target, to a 
significant change of the shape of the pulse. The goal of the 
distance measurement system is the detection of a previously 
defined reference point (based on the emitted signal, e.g. the 
raising edge) in the reflected echo. For this task different 
detection methods (further details will be presented in section 4) 
can be used. In Figure 1 the use of a threshold operator is 
demonstrated. In this example two stop pulses are detected. The 
use of different detection methods can lead to different results 
especially in areas with more than one reflecting element within 
one laser spot (see Section 4.2). 
= o 
G 3 Emitted impulse 
= a 
2 Reflected impulse 
se Threshold 
e ER 
, t, t 
1. Stop pulse 2. Stop pulse 
Qo uo 
t t, t 
+ s Digitised reflected impulse 
+ | | | 
S Ll | m | Lulli i 
i t, t 
Figure 1. Emitted and received impulse. Commercial systems 
estimate the travel time of more than one stop impulses. 
Experimental systems digitise the whole waveform of the 
received echo with a certain sampling interval. 
Current commercial system providers do not offer detailed 
information concerning their detection method, so that the end 
user has no information about the varying quality of the range 
measurements. Therefore the influence of the detection method 
on the finally computed models is presently unknown. 
The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
(NASA) has already developed and operated waveform 
digitising airborne laser scanners for demonstrating the 
potential of this technique for vegetation mapping. For 
example, the airborne prototype LVIS (Laser Vegetation 
Imaging Sensor) employs a digitiser sampling rate of 500 
Msamples per second (Blair et al., 1999). This corresponds to a 
range sampling interval of 0.3 m. Hofton and Blair (2002) write 
that this sampling interval is sufficient to reconstruct the shape 
of the pulse with a vertical resolution of about 0.03 m. 
Laser scanning is a direct extension of conventional radar (radio 
detection and ranging) techniques to very short wavelengths. 
Whether laser scanning is referred to as lidar (light detection 
and ranging), laser altimetry, or laser radar, the same basic 
principles as in microwave radar technology apply (Jelalian, 
1992). As a result, much of the terminology and concepts used 
in radar remote sensing can be directly transferred to laser 
scanning. In section 3.1 we introduce the radar equation, which 
is the fundamental model for describing the measurement 
process in terms of sensor and target characteristics. In section 
3.2 it is shown that the form of the received pulse can 
mathematically be depicted by a convolution between the 
emitted pulse and the (effective) scattering cross-section of the 
Earth's surface. 
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