Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

stanbul 2004 
165 18 
ero crossing 
enter of gravity H 
res hold 
onst. frac. 
110 120 
umed effective 
ops on rough 
(in m) for the 
obtained by 
timated travel 
m. Detection 
ir = threshold, 
we assume a 
beam passes 
then through 
round. Again, 
; however, the 
s wide spread 
gravity tend to 
and maximum 
r to maximum 
te that in this 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
brancht 4 L branch2 *- ground 
o 01 
i tree 
ee bush — 
0 = i I de 1 
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 
distance (m) 
0.4 E I T T T: T T T 
+ zero crossing 
* maximum 
B 0.3H| * center of gravity 
a O threshold 
2 v const. frac. 
S 02r 
wo! NS. 
0 i L 4 1 { 1 
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 
time (ns) 
Figure 4. Return pulse of a tree. Top: Assumed effective 
scattering cross section of tree, including branches, low 
vegetation and ground. Bottom: Reflected signal and derived 
In the third and final experiment, we investigate the detector 
performance on a waveform resulting from the interaction of the 
laser beam with a tilted roof, assuming a tilt angle of 45° and 
pulse diameter of 1 m. As can be seen from Figure 5, top, the 
scattering cross section has the form of a half-ellipse (the effect 
of the tilt is to “stretch” the circular footprint into an ellipse; the 
cross section is thus proportional to the width of the ellipse - 
measured along the minor axis — as function of height.) Here, 
the best result is obtained by constant fraction. This example 
demonstrates, in particular, that zero crossing, although it 
excels at resolving narrow, sharply peaked components of the 
cross section, performs less well in the case of broad, plateau- 
like maxima (such a constellation will, in general, lead to 
premature triggering). Remarkable to note is that even in this 
simple case the range values obtained by using different 
detectors may vary by ~ 0.4 m (max compared to centre of 
gravity), which is a large number given that the laser footprint is 
1 i i i 1 
5 9 10,5 12 13.5 15 16.5 18 
distance (m) 
Zero crossing 
center of gravity H 
const. frac. 
x 4 + 
signal amplitude 
50 $0 70 80 90 100 110 120 
time (ns) 
Figure 5. Return pulse of tilted roof. Top: Assumed effective 
Scattering cross section of tilted roof. Bottom: Reflected signal 
and derived trigger pulses. 
4.3 Discussion 
As illustrated by the above experiments, there is no such thing 
as a single best detector; rather, the relative performance of the 
detectors depends on several factors, such as the characteristics 
of the effective scattering cross section, object distance and 
noise level. For example, although zero crossing yields 
excellent range resolution (discrimination between nearby 
objects) and range accuracy under ideal conditions, it is 
susceptible to noise (spurious trigger pulses) and slow gradients 
(decrease in accuracy). Threshold may yield good accuracy for a 
single object at a given distance, but poor range estimates (or no 
trigger-pulse at all) if the amplitude of the back-scattered pulse 
changes (i.e., due to an increase in object-sensor distance or 
absorption/reflection of pulse energy by other objects). 
Maximum, while not as accurate as zero crossing, gives 
reasonably good results and can be expected to be more tolerant 
against noise than zero crossing. Constant fraction seems to be 
a good compromise between zero crossing and maximum. 
The experiments presented in this section have mainly 
qualitative character and are intended to illustrate the 
dependency of the backscattered waveform on the scattering 
cross sections of the illuminated objects, and to highlight the 
respective strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to 
pulse detection. Clearly, more elaborate experiments, both on 
synthetic and real world data, will have to be conducted in order 
to gain a better understanding of the physical principles 
underlying waveform generation as well as the effects of noise 
and scanner characteristics on detection performance. 
In anticipation of the potential of full-waveform lasers for 
vegetation mapping experimental systems have already been 
built and tested by NASA (Blair et al, 1999). Soon, also 
commercial full-waveform systems will become available. 
RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH will soon offer a 2D 
laser scanner for airborne applications (model RIEGL LMS- 
Q560) with an optional data logger capability for recording the 
digitised waveforms of both the transmitted laser pulse and the 
echo signal (Riegl 2004). Laser pulse repetition rate is 50 kHz 
and maximum range is typically 1500 m on targets with 80% 
reflectivity. Sampling of the echo signal is carried out 
simultaneously in two 8bit channels in order to cover a dynamic 
range of about 40 dB optically. Sampling rate is 1GSamples/sec 
for each channel. Samples within a configurable range gate 
centred around detected targets are stored on redundant large 
volume drives together with time stamp and scan angle data. 
The maximum number of targets and the number of samples per 
target to be logged can be defined by the user within limits 
defined by the writing speed of the data logger and its capacity 
limitation. Single target measurement accuracy is about 2 cm (1 
sigma value). 
As for each laser measurement also a fraction of the transmitted 
laser pulse is sampled, the pulse shape of the transmitter pulse 
can be evaluated from numerous measurements with high 
resolution as shown in Figure 6. Pulse width of the sampled 
pulse is about 4.5 ns (at 50% maximum amplitude) which is the 
result of the convolution of the laser pulse and the pulse 
response of the receiver. This measured pulse shape can be used 
advantageously as the basis for the analysis of the echo signal of 
complex targets. 

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