Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
window in order to use them in roof facet segmentation and 
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Moving windows over irregular LIDAR points 
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Figure 1: Moving windows for plane fitting over the irregular 
LIDAR points. 
2.2 Key factors in designing moving surfaces algorithm 
The grid spacing and fitting window size are two critical factors 
in this procedure. In case the data density is high, the grid 
spacing is based on the desired detail level and accuracy of the 
extracted roof facets. The reason is that grid spacing “cell size” 
defines the minimum precision that could be reached in 
breaklines between roof segments. However small cell size does 
not always yield fine details, especially if the data density is 
low. In addition to that, the smaller the cell size the higher the 
cost of computation. So in general, the data density sets the 
effective minimum limit for the cell size while the desired level 
of detail and accuracy defines the maximum limit. In this work 
and according to the available data with a density of 
approximately one spot height per square meter, the grid 
spacing "cell size" was one meter in both x and y directions. 
This spacing seems to be effective even though it is somewhat 
large. However, the main goal of this work is to test the 
suitability of LIDAR data for roof details reconstruction rather 
than their positional accuracy. 
The other key factor is the moving window size used in plane 
fitting. The main factor that influences the window size is the 
data density since it controls the number of points inside each 
window. The window should be large enough to contain enough 
point observations to reliably estimate a unique set of plane 
parameters through the reweighted least squares adjustment. 
The number of points should exceed the minimum requirement 
in order to have redundancy in the adjustment. The redundancy 
helps to accommedate the inconsistency between data points 
and strengthen the soundness of the estimated parameters. In 
general the denser the data the smaller is window that can be 
used since there will be enough data to estimate the plane 
During the plane fitting procedure, the estimated plane 
parameters are recorded at the center of the moving window. 
However, when gaps occur in data which consequently means 
not enough points fall within that window, the fitting procedure 
will not be applied and zeros for the parameters (slope in x, 
slope in y, and height intercept) will be assigned to that window 
center. In addition to that, a high RMSE will be assigned since 
the parameters are not valid. This high value is utilized in the 
best fitting search by giving an indication of bad fitting on that 
cell. After completing the plane fitting procedure and recording 
results, a best fitting algorithm is applied. In general, this 
algorithm minimizes the fitting error in each cell by assigning it 
to the plane which has the minimum RMSE among all planes 
containing this point (Alharthy and Bethel, 2002). Results of 
this procedure are used in the segmentation as discussed below. 
In this research, the roof planar segments were extracted 
utilizing the estimated geometrical plane parameters resulting 
from the previous step. Starting from a small set of “seed” cells, 
region growing by a cell (pixel) aggregation technique was used 
to construct large roof facets. Steps of this procedure are 
discussed below. 
3.1 Region growing segmentation by cell aggregation 
Region growing is an approach for image segmentation, in 
which neighboring pixels are examined and added to a region if 
they have common characteristics. Those characteristics or 
parameters form the membership criteria (descriptors), based on 
which the decision will be made to include or exclude the cell. 
The region growing technique starts from defined seeds, which 
are known to be the center of the class (roof segment) and 
consists of a group of cells or “pixels” which are strongly 
homogenous. Those cells carry almost the same parameter 
values and the cost function between them is small. The key 
factor in this algorithm is the design of the membership criteria 
“cost function” and its computation. The way this technique is 
used in this work is similar to typical clustering or classification 
techniques, in which pixels are given the same label in a 
parameter space based on some similarity measures. However 
connectivity is required between pixels here unlike in general 
clustering algorithms. In this work starting seeds were defined 
based on the resulting RMSE from the plane fitting procedure. 
Low RMSE means excellent fitting and consequently good 
consistency among cells. The membership criteria and cost 
function used in aggregation are discussed below. However 
prior to that some preprocessing steps were performed on the 
estimated parameters that form the parameter space to fit the 
needs of the application. 
3.1.1 Preprocessing steps to form the segmentation search 
There were three basic independent parameters (slope in x, 
slope in y, and height intercept) assigned at each cell inside 
each processed building polygon. Based on roof shape and 
direction complexity, one, two, or the three parameters could be 
used to form the parameter space and define the membership 
criteria for the region growing technique. As a preprocessing 
step, parameter magnitude range consistency was imposed over 
those parameters in order to make the parameter space uniform. 
Based on the knowledge of building roof facets, typical slope in 
both directions (x, y) does not exceed the value of one. 
Accordingly, the slope values were set to be with a range of +1. 
Values out of this range are discarded since they are not 
realistic. The slope might have a high response during the 
fitting procedure due to the fact that the processed window may 
contain data points that lie in between two planar surfaces and 
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