Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

83. Istanbul 2004 
is utilized in the 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
do not belong to any. For example, at two discontinuous 
adjacent roofs with different heights, the laser beam might hit 
the wall between those two roofs. In such circumstances, the 
best fitting procedure will assign those points to one of the 
adjacent roofs even though in reality they do not belong to any 
which would result in high slope values. 
Moreover, the height intercept also needs to have range limits 
as the other two factors. This scaling step is to make the 
parameter space homogenous. As in the slope parameters, a few 
spikes in the estimated height response were recorded. Unlike 
the slope case, limits on the height intercept cannot be predicted 
since roof height varies within the same building with a wide 
range. First a histogram of the height intercept of the processed 
area was constructed. Then values out of the range + ko (k can 
take any value from 0 to 2 based on the shape of the histogram 
and the outliers values) will be discarded since they don’t seem 
to be valid and they are a result of points on edges as discussed 
above. This step centers the mean value of the parameter in the 
new range and reforms the spread of the data. Then the 
resulting values are scaled down to have the range from -1 to 
*] as in the other two parameters. The trimming and scaling 
procedure are shown in equation (1) and (2). Figure 2 shows 
color-coded image of H of the same building before and after 
trimming and scaling. 
H*tko If H x.y) >u+ ko 
Ht (x yy = U ko i H(x y) «gu -ko (1) 
H elsewhere 
Ht ivy oH 
His, py ay (2) 
2 20 
where H : height intercept 
Ht : trimmed value of 7 
Hts : trimmed-scaled value of H 
H : mean value of H inside a building polygon 
6 : standard deviation of H inside a building polygon 
Y inm 
Figure 2: Height intercept color-coded image before and after 
the trimming and rescaling procedure. 
3.1.2 Membership criteria (cost function) 
The membership criterion between two cells to define whether 
they belong to the same roof segment or not is the Euclidean 
distance in the parameter space between the two points. If the 
cost function between the center of the seed (cell 7) and the 
processed cell (cell j) is less than a defined threshold of the 
membership criteria, then they belong to the same roof segment. 
However, at the beginning as is known in the region growing 
segmentation, the candidate cell or pixel should share an 
adjacent boundary with the growing region. 
3.1.3 2D parameter space 
For simple gable roofs, slope in x and slope in y can form a 
satisfactory parameter space for the roof features. This is due to 
the fact that gable roof pair segments have well defined reverse 
slopes as shown in figure 3(a). The 2D search space of the same 
building is shown in figure 3(b) where its first axis X is the 
slope in x and the second axis Y is the slope in y. Figure 3(c) 
shows the raw result of the region growing segmentation 
procedure and the labeled roof segments in the parameter space. 
As shown in the search space, some pixels are not labeled (red 
crosses, figure 3(c)) since they don't belong to any class based 
on their parameters. However, those cells will be assigned to 
the nearest roof segment in term of position in the object space 
not in the search space as shown in figure 3(d). However, in a 
complex roof structure, these two parameters are not always 
capable of discriminating between all of the segments. Another 
parameter may be added as in the following section. 
3.1.4 3D parameter space 
In more complex roof structures, a third parameter is desirable 
to add to the parameter space to increase its information content 
and consequently detect a more complete and precise set of roof 
segments. Slope in x, slope in y, and height intercept form the 
3D parameter space and shape the membership criteria. This 
dimensional increment improves the seprablity between classes 
(roof segments regions) in the parameter space, which enhances 
the possibility to detect roof segments with same slope but with 
different heights. Figure 4 shows the procedure and results of 
the roof facet segmentation utilizing the estimated surface 
parameters resulting from the least squares moving surfaces. As 
it shown clearly below, the third vector (height intercept) 
enables the system to detect the four elevated rectangular 
structures in the lower part of the building; while in the 2D 
parameter space (slopes in x and y) the system was not able to 
detect them. 
f — 398 08 04 42 0 02 04 08 08 1 
Slope in x 
1 c 1 AM 
08! : 08; 
» "Ünciassitied Celis (pixels) 
06; 9s; 
04} x 04; 2 
> 02; = 
ci * t 
Wa + v 9 
go : s 
o o 
$0.02 9 
o4 i 0 
06 08 
08 08 
id 0.8 06 04 0.2 9 02 0.4 06 0.8 1 + JR 06 04 52 n 02 04 08 08 1 
Slope in x Slope inx 
Figure 3: (a) Estimated slope in y for a simple gable roof 
building, (b) 2D search space based on slopes in 

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