Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

7 Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
ges through equation (1) 
figure 1. The Euclidean 
and the line segment | is 
> xl and x2 are points 
x X», -) 5 
vector equation with 3-D 
with the second equation 
fies the equality d (xp, xo) 
sultant corresponding point 
ed using least squares 
ed from model/object space 
tion parameters as exterior 
d for the recovery of the 
metric model and the plane 
n observed to initial values 
satisfying results and the 
a possible high correlation 
the bending angles of the 
tion could lead to numerical 
of X and Y are nearly 
er. We therefore suggest a 
IZ -20)50 0 
ane from origin 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV , Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The last representation changes the sought parameters to 0, Q 
and D, but leads to another problem. If the plane is horizontal so 
0 = 0, the derivative according to ¢ is infinite, because it does 
not change the normal vector when multiplying with 0. 
Therefore, when dealing with planes close to horizontal, 
numeric problems are expected. 
3.1 Homography mapping 
Homography mapping transfer points from one image to the 
second image as if they were on the plane in the object space 
(Hartley 2000). As seen in figure 2. points on a plane are related 
to correspondences point on the images of the photogrammetric 
model. In fact this is a projective, having 8 free parameters. The 
8 parameters can be obtained from the 5 relative orientation 
parameters and the 3 planar parameters. 
/ 7i. | 
/ \ 
/ XT \ 
/ ~ \ 
f \ 
s > x = 
= ; 
= Ë 
M 2 
= \ „x 
SS = 
Lt T ~~ ; d 
> a T te x 
e S | > 
Figure 2 . homography mapping 
The homography induced by the plane is unique (see Tsai 
(1982)), meaning that every planar curve can contribute one 
homography. The homography transfer operator is linear for 
homogenous coordinates and the mapping from one image to 
the other is unique up to a scale factor. 
The homography matrix: 
D ^m 1H 
H=|h h 4 (4) 
h nh 3 
and the mapping from right to left image vectors are readily 
given by 
U,-H-U, (5) 
where Ur, and Ul are homogenous coordinates in right and left 
images respectively. 
One should notice that the mapping can be from the right image 
to the left image and vice versa. In this paper we have chosen 
the one from right image to the left image. 
The homography matrix can be computed directly from the 
relative orientation parameters and the plane parameters. The 
common way to compute the homography matrix is by 
determining the coordinate system of the model parallel to the 
coordinate system of the left image. By choosing this coordinate 
system the rotation matrix of the left image is the identity 
matrix and the translation vector is zero. The rotation matrix 
and the translation vector of the right image can be obtained 
from the relative orientation parameters. 
The homography matrix can be computed with rotation matrix 
R and the displacement vector T according to equation (6). 
Hz[Rx*T-m/D] (o 
where : R — rotation matrix 
T - displacement vector 
n — unit vector of the plane normal 
D — distance from the origin 
The homogenous coordinate are obtained by dividing the image 
coordinate by focal length as follows: 
X u 
ys vq 
-f l 
Using homogenous coordinate makes the homography mapping 
correct up to scale. Multiplying the homogenous coordinate 
with the homography matrix H is simply linear procedure, but 
getting the right scale requires a determination of a scale factor. 
Dividing the outcome vector by the 3" coordinate can answer 
this question so the transformation from one image to the other 
can be written as follows: 
U za 
A: X, VE 
© h,-x"+h, - y'+1 
7 ay (8) 
hix EI 
= n n 
hx hy" 
where: x", y" — right image coordinate 
X' y' - left image coordinate 
hl .. h8 component of the homography matrix 
Equations (8) remind the collinear equations, but one should 
remember that the collinear equations transform from 3D object 
space to 2D image space while those equations transform from 
2D image space to another 2D image space. 
3.2 Fundamental matrix 
Yet another well-known relation between two images is the 
epipolar geometry. One point from first image determines line 
in the second image. The fundamental matrix defines this 
relation with the constrain x" F x" = 0, obeying the coplanar 
condition. Using the homography matrix we can write the 
constrain (Hx")' F x" = x" H' F x = 0 for any point on the plane 
that induced the specific homography. Hence, the matrix (Ht F) 
must be skew-symmetric, namely 
HF+FH=0 (9)

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