Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
(average values) are the opposite direction pairs. The results are 
significantly different between them. It seems that the centre 
points of the buildings have moved about 5 cm to the flight 
direction. There is an across track shift (<5 cm) between the 
flight strips with the same flight direction. The standard 
deviations of the differences for opposite direction flight strips 
are larger than for the flight strips to the same direction. To 
conclude, the results indicate that the flight direction was a 
significant reason for planimetric errors. 
In Figure 4 comparisons were made between the last pulse data 
and the Espoo city map buildings. The coordinate 
transformation from the Espoo system to the Finnish national 
system kkj also brings some errors to the results. There is a 
systematic shift of the map buildings to the east (northeast) 
compared to the laser derived buildings. 
Mean north and east differences between laser derived 
buildings and maps 
0,25 x 
02 | Onorth 
= 0,15 Bl east 
$ 01 
- = 0,05 ; 
se 0 ; : 
z © 
w -0,05 |] 
9 2. 23 2 2 
o o Uv v o Uu 
= -0,1 2 
T 0,15 : 
& mn 
© 0:2 i + ; 
003-  005- 00Z- O0 006- 003- 005- 002- 004- 006- 
-0,25 "map--map--map--map- map -map- map--map-map--map- 
Compared flight strips with map 
Figure 4. Comparison of different last pulse flight strips with 
map buildings. 3 and 5 were flown to the southeast 
and 2, 4 and 6 to the northwest. 
The use of ridges of buildings 
A ridge of a building roof can be obtained in a more accurate 
way than the edges and corner points of the building since the 
ridge is defined by two intersecting planes that are determined 
using even hundreds of laser points. Thus, previous conclusions 
were checked by calculating the shift of the ridges between 
repeated acquisitions. Table 7 summarizes the comparison of 
these two approaches. 
Compared flight strips Distance between 
Centre points Ridges 
Same 5-3 14+12 S43 
direction 2-4 1128 4+4 
2-6 9+9 3+4 
4-6 14x11 SS 
Opposite 2-3 13:13 6:5 
direction 4-3 17:12 846 
6-3 18x15 6x6 
2-5 16:8 7X4 
4-5 2049 7X4 
6-5 19:9 7X4 
Table 7. Mean differences and standard deviations (cm) 
calculated from centre points and ridges of ridge 
roof buildings. Last pulse data. 
The compared flight strips and the modelling method of the 
buildings are the same. Again flight strips to the same direction 
gave smaller biases than the flight strips to the opposite 
directions. However, obtained errors are significantly smaller 
using ridges than centre points of buildings. 
3.3 Analysis of size of buildings 
The areas of the roofs were measured along the slopes (i.e. to 
the normal of the roof) Areas were calculated for every 
building as a mean value of the five flight strips. The 
differences between the first and the last pulse mode derived 
roof areas in percentage were calculated for each building and 
the mean values were obtained for each roof type, c.f. Table 8. 
of edg: 
Table 9 
The me 
the roof 
the roof 
results | 
cm) bec 
quite sn 
the first 
lengths : 
of edge 
Roof First pulse | Last pulse | Mean 
type flight flight difference 
and # strips strips 
Hipped | Mean area | 163.0 m“ 145.9 m” 11.6 96 
roof, minimum 
N=6 Mean area | 166.8 m? 151.3 m 
Double | Mean area | 165.7 m“ 145.6 m* 14.0 % 
slope minimum 
pitch Mean area | 167.8 m? 146.8 m* 
roof, maximum 
Flat or | Mean area | 17.9 m* 16.3 m° 44% 
pitch minimum 
roof, Mean area | 171.6 m 159.7 m? 
Nes maximum 
Ridge Mean area | 94.3 m“ 58.8 m° 13.2 % 
roof, minimum 
N=20 Mean area | 234.8 m‘ | 211.5 m“ 
Connec | Mean area | 88.3 m° 85.8 m° 11.4% 
ted minimum 
ridge Mean area | 189.8 m 170.5 m? 
roof, maximum 
Table 8. Mean differences between the first and the last pulse 
mode derived roof areas. 
The buildings were one- or two-storied and relatively small 
ones. Differences between the first and the last pulse measured 
areas were 11-14 % except for the flat/pitch roofs (4.4 96) when 
the trees obstructed the views of these roofs. This flat or pitch 
roof building group included also car shelters that were lower 
than the human settlements. The first pulse mode observations 
tend to exaggerate the area and the last pulse data systematically 
underestimate the results. 
Roof lengths were calculated from the RTK measured roof 
corner points and these lengths were compared with the laser 
derived roof lengths. The laser derived roof lengths were 
actually the side lengths of the extracted roof planes. Because 
the Toposys laser scanner has a special scan pattern the lengths 
were divided to three categories: lengths across the flight strip, 
along the flight strip and oblique to the flight strip. The distance 
between the scan lines across the fight strip direction is about 
80 cm (footprints of neighbouring fibres) when the flying height 
is 400 m. In the along track direction the pulses overlap on the 
ground. Results are shown in Tables 9 and 10. 
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