Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
same direction. Correspondingly, biases were 6-8 cm and 
standard deviations +4-6 em for the flight strips to the opposite 
directions. To summarize, the planimetric accuracy is worse 
than vertical but acceptable for various purposes. 
The first pulse mode observations tend to exaggerate the area 
and the lengths of the roofs. The first pulse data give about 11- 
14 % larger building roofs than the last pulse data. Lengths of 
the roofs were about 21 cm longer from the first pulse data than 
in reality. Correspondingly, the last pulse mode gives 
underestimated results. Lengths were about 25 cm smaller than 
the obtained reference measurements. These systematic effects 
have to be realized e.g. in cartographic applications. 
Ahokas, E., Kaartinen, H. and Hyyppä, J., 2003. A quality 
assessment of airborne laser scanner data. ISPRS WG III/3 
Workshop '3-D reconstruction from airborne laser scanner and 
InSAR data’, Dresden, Germany 8-10 October 2003. In: The 
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV, part 3/WG13. 
An electronic version is available at 
http://www.isprs.org/commission3/wg3/workshop laserscan 
ning/. ( accessed 1 April 2004) 
Baltsavias, E., 1999. Airborne laser scanning: existing systems 
and firms and other resources. ISPRS Journal of 
Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing. 54 (2-3) pp. 164-198. 
Crombaghs, M., Elberink, S. O., Briigelmann, R., de Min, E., 
2002. Assessing height precision of laser altimetry DEMs. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, 34(3A), pp. 85-90. 
Maas, H-G., 2002. Methods for measuring height and 
planimetry discrepancies in airborne laserscanner data. 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68 (9), pp. 
Maas, H-G., Vosselman, G., 1999. Two algorithms for 
extracting building models from raw laser altimetry data. /SPRS 
Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing. 54 (2-3) pp. 
Rónnholm, P., Hyyppà, H., Póntinen P., Haggrén, H., Hyyppä, 
J., 2003. A method for interactive orientation of digital images 
using backprojection of 3D data. The Photogrammetric Journal 
of Finland, 18 (2), pp. 16-31. 
Rónnholm, P., 2004. The evaluation of the internal quality of 
laser scanning strips using the interactive orientation method 
and point clouds. In: The International Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 34, part XXX. (submitted) 
Steinle, E., Vógtle, T., 2000. Effects of Different Laser 
Scanning Modes on the Results of Building Recognition and 
Reconstruction. In: The International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Amsterdam, Vol. 33. 
Part 3B, pp. 858-865. 
Vögtle, T., Steinle, E., 2000. 3D Modelling of Buildings Using 
Laser Scanning and Spectral Information. The International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Amsterdam, 
Vol. 33. Part 3B, pp. 927-934. 
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