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. Istanbul 2004
certain roof projection. Opposite roof faces, which intersect in
a ridge line, do not necessarily have the same inclination.
3.2 Overview
The basis for the developed algorithm is a segmented laser
point cloud, which represents a potential building in each case.
The individual point clouds are processed one after the other by
means of the following algorithm:
a) Read laser scanner points and reduce coordinates to
barycentric coordinates
) Elimination of alleged bottom points
c) Determination of the azimuth of the ridge direction and
rotation of the data points by the azimuth around the z-axis
d) Projection of the laser points in the z-x and z-y-plane
e) Search for lines in these projections and determination of
the extension of the roof faces, which are represented by
the lines
f) Determination of the roof face outlines
g) Blending the roof faces, which were obtained from the
different projections
h) Determination of the walls
i) Determination of the ground plan polygons and
visualisation of the building as VRML model
3.3 Determination of the ridge direction
As the method is based on the principle of line detection in
projections of the point cloud orthogonal to the direction of the
ridge of the roof, the first step of the modelling procedure is the
determination of the main directions of the buildings. Potential
ground points are eliminated by analysing a height-bin
histogram. The minimum of laser points in the height layers
within the range of the walls can be used as a criterion for the
separation of potential roof points from ground points.
With the remaining points that are classified as roof points, the
search for the ridge direction of the building takes place. The
main ridge direction is then given by the azimuth x (see
Figure 3-1 a).
The principle used is based on the investigation of the
orientation of the points in individual height layers of the point
cloud. Not only the upper height interval containing ridge
points shows the orientation of the building, but also the lower
height layers of the roof contain this information. The idea is to
search for lines within the points of each height layer. Within
the range of the roof the dominant direction of the detected
lines corresponds to one of the two main directions of the
building. In contrast, the distribution of points in height layers
of vegetation has a random character.
The most pronounced direction of the detected lines is the one
that is accepted as the main roof direction. The point cloud is
now rotated by the angle k around the z-axis, so that the main
direction (the main roof ridge) of the building runs parallel to
the y-axis (see Figure 3-1 b).
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Figure 3-1: a) roof ridge direction; b) rotated point cloud
3.4 Detection of roof faces in projections
In the next step the points are projected onto vertical planes,
defined by the detected azimuth direction. First the data is
projected onto the z-x-plane. Points, which lie on a roof plane
with a normal vector parallel to the projection plane, are
displayed as a line in the projection plane.
In the projection, lines that represent roof planes are intersected
and their end points are determined. In dense datasets it may be
necessary to thin out the points on the line to warrant a proper
performance of the line detection procedure. On this basis,
knowing the start and the end points of the lines, the inclination
and the width of the roof areas represented by the lines are
given (see Figure 3-2).
Figure 3-2: Inclination and width of detected roof faces