Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

/. Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
d Line-Photogrammetric 
, On calibration and 
Proc. of the European 
CV), June 2000, Dublin, 
ation Three-Dimensional 
Patch. 1981. /EEE Trans. 
W.L., Estimation Tree- 
a Rigid Planar Patch Il: 
). IEEE Trans. Acoust; 
ry of Exterior Orientation 
irves. 2000. IAPRS Vol. 
R. Delara Jr. *;E. A. Mitishita?, A. Habib" 
* UFPR, Federal University of Parana, Department of Geomatics, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, rls@ufpr.br, mitishit@ufpr.br 
® UCalgary, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada — habib@geomatics.ucalgary.ca 
Commission III, WG I 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, LIDAR, DEM, Bundle, Non-metric, Digital, Camera. 
The use of non-metric, low cost digital cameras is becoming a very atractive option as a source of spatial information about 
terrestrial surfaces. This is being motivated by the increased resolution of CCD sensors, as well as the results of recent studies 
indicating the stability of the internal parameters of such cameras. On the other hand, Digital Elevation Model obtained by laser 
scanning is an excellent source of reliable three-dimensional coordinates for several applications in photogrammetry and other fields. 
Although the Laser Scanner provides high reliable geometric information, it can not be compared to information contained in a 
digital image, because the spectral information of the laser system is very poor. Therefore, the integration of both data sources is an 
atractive option for mapping. The exterior orientation parameters crucial information to guarantee the quality of the resulting map 
from photogrammetric processing. These parameters could be computed in real time using an onboard GPS/INS unit or post 
processed using a LIDAR system together with a digital camera with bundle adjustment method. In this paper, is presented a 
methodology to perform the bundle block adjustment using non-conventional aerial images and Laser Scanner data. The images 
were taken with a Sony DSC-F717 digital camera, with a resolution of 5.2 Mb, CCD dimension of 2520 x 1960 pixels, covering 
about 2 km? of the Campus of the Federal University of Parana - Brazil. The elevation above ground of the aerial survey was about 
750 meters and the pixel ground sample distance is about twenty five centimeters. The elevation above ground of the LIDAR survey 
was about 1000 meters. The LIDAR system used was an OPTECH ALTM 2050, which belongs to the Institute of Technology for 
Development LACTEC/UFPR. This system is characterized by a planimetric accuracy of fiftty centimeters and altimetric accuracy 
of fifteen centimeters. Some check points were surveyed with conventional GPS techniques allowing for the comparison and 
evaluation of the precision/accuracy of the final results. 
New technologies, especially those proceeding from computer 
and electronic areas, have enabled the development of digital 
photogrammetry. Photogrammetric tasks, formerly dependent 
on sophisticated equipments and highly specialized technicians, 
are now being gradually substituted for autonomous 
photogrammetric procedures performed in a computer. 
Likewise, Global Positioning System (GPS) has simplified field 
operations necessary to survey ground control points while 
conducting photogrammetric tasks. For about fifteen years, 
Laser Scanning systems have improved and are being used to 
obtain altimetric information of the terrestrial surface. The 
accuracy levels reached are currently around one decimeter for 
altimetry and the double of this value for planimetry (Wever 
and Linderberger 1999). A Laser Scanner system is basically 
constituted of GPS, Inertial Navigation System (INS) and the 
LASER scanning device (Laser Rangefinder). The Laser 
Scanner system enables the determination of the spatial position 
of the points which reflect the laser ray emitted, thus generating 
a group of points irregularly distributed that can constitute the 
base of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The increasing 
availability of data generated by laser profiling, enabling higher 
accuracy in definition of relief representation and physical 
objects elevation on the surface, has improved photogrammetric 
procedures. On the other hand, digital cameras, with better 
spatial resolutions and low cost, have facilitated the acquisition 
of digital images for photogrammetric application purposes. 
The integration of positional data proceeding from Laser 
Scanner with aerial digital images of a same region allows the 
development of new photogrammetric procedures. This paper 
presents the integration of LIDAR data with digital images 
obtained from an aerial covering utilizing a small-format digital 
camera, model SONY DSC-F717, which has a CCD sensor 
with resolution of 2560 x 1920 pixels (details Sony 2002). It 
presents the methodology developed and the results obtained, 
while conducting the triangulation by bundle method, of a block 
of digital images. The ground control points are originated in a 
scanning carried out with Laser Scanner. The pixel was utilized 
as the unit of measurement for photogrammetric observations 
and the determination of interior orientation parameters. This 
process was previously conducted using a technique of camera 
calibration (See Delara, 2003). 
In this research was used a block of digital images containing 
thirteen images distributed in two strips as presented in Figure 
3. The region covered is part of the Campus of the Federal 
University of Parana. This region was surveyed by Laser 
Scanner with density of approximately 2.5 points by square 
meter. The Laser Scanner data were obtained on 05/09/2003 
using the OPTECH ALTM 2050 system, property of the 
Institute of Technology for Development — LACTEC / UFPR. 
The aerial survey was conducted on 06/27/2003, in a flying 

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