Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

3. Istanbul 2004 
riginal DSM for 
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Figure 4 and 5 
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| product list. 
Fi is eT. T STAR E ENS Product 
Figure 8. Flight Sunulation PDC ton using STAR DSMs 
(Courtesy of Horizon Simulation Ltd and Getmapping PLC) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial InformationsSciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Fig igure 9, A STARplus Product (Courtesy of Imagelinks Inc. ) 
The quality of geospatial data products has recently gained 
escalating interest from both the data manufacturers and the 
users. From the data manufacturers' point of view, they need to 
ensure that the data they produce and deliver meet the 
specifications. On the other hand, the data users need to 
determine whether the data they receive meet the pre-agreed 
specific requirements for their applications. 
At Intermap, this has not been of recent interest — quality has 
been built into the manufacturing process to produce quality 
data consistently and predictably from the beginning. A series 
of quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) activities are 
conducted within the whole manufacturing life cycle. The 
quality management system is established tactically to integrate 
various QC/QA tasks to facilitate the production process while 
keeping the productivity. Li et al (2004) describes in detail 
Intermap's quality management system for its STAR process. 
More importantly Intermap reviews its quality systems 
regularly with the focus on continual improvement. A public 
display of this commitment was the recent formation of 
Customer Care Division, headed by a Vice President. Intermap 
is an ISO 9001:2000 registered company and is audited on a 
regular basis by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 
Intermap identified several evolving commercial markets with a 
common interest in acquiring wide-area terrain data for the 
same geographic areas. These include commercial satellite 
vendors, as well as air and auto navigation businesses. Intermap 
clearly recognized the needs to develop a new innovative 
business model to cater to the market demands. 
The new business model is entitled NEXTMap — nation-wide 
mapping using STAR based mapping technologies. The 
resultant data products are available to users off-the-shelf 
through the Company's online iStore. This new approach 

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