'. Part B3. Istanbul 2004
respectively, X, Y,Z. The
covered by the images,
d coordinate referential
ndle of convergent rays
1metric observations as a
ht line is defined by the
ts (both image and object
nter) The triangulation
; collinearity equations as
^hese equations must be
ont using Least Squares
ployed to determine the
the images involved and
points observed ( Lugnani,
most precise and flexible
|, MeGlone 2001). In this
vations were previously
he image, as presented in
ion program developed in
nbined adjustment method
weight or position in the
: formulation:
rs in the coordinates are
da, f, (6)
- da, -Ÿ, (7)
oma 72. (8)
Y,) +m, (Z~-Z,)
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
rais my (X =X) +m, (Y =X) +m (Z-Z,) (9)
Cm (X =X) +m, (Y =Y) +m (Z~Z,)
M - R. (K).R, (Q).R, (d) (10)
my ms, mp; ( 11 )
M=|m,, m, m
Ha Hu m.s
m,, = COS P.COS K
m,, — sena.senk — cos o.seng.cos k
My, = —cOs Q.senk
Hl, — COS QJ.COS K — sena.seng.senk
Wl, — SenQ. COS K - COS Q.seng.senk
ms, = senp
m, =—Senw.cos @
H3, — COS. COS
c = camera constant;
X,Y,Z= ground coordinates;
X,,Y,,Z, = ground coordinates of the perspective centre;
m, 7 elements of the rotation matrix M;
ór €ór ^ symmetric radial distortion correction;
x y
ód €ód. - decentric distortion correction;
x x
oa € su = affine deformation correction;
x Y
J. ¢ gr, = photogrammetric refraction correction.
The laser profiling system generates a cloud of points
irregularly distributed on the terrestrial surface. Its three-
dimensional coordinates in a geodetic system are determined in
function of the time of emission and return of a laser pulse.
This process is called Light Detection and Ranging — LIDAR
(Optech, 2003). A precise laser rangefinder scans the surface
registering the pulses (distances). To correct the movements of
the aircraft during the post-processing, the Euler angles
(x,p,œ ) refering to each distance measured are determined
through INS, during profiling. The positioning of the aircraft is
determined by GPS through two receptors, one installed in the
aircraft and other on the terrain, thus enabling differential
correction and refinement of the coordinates (F igure 2). During
the post-processing, the data generated are combined and
determine the precise position of the ground points. The
nominal precision of the system is around 15 cm (mean square
error) for altimetry and around 30 cm for planimetry (Wever
and Linderberg 1999, Optech 2003). See more details in
Baltsavias, 1999.
This research was carried out in two basic stages. The first stage
verified the positional quality of the Laser Scanner data and the
second one implemented procedures to carry out the
triangulation through simultaneous adjustment of images
(Bundle method), supported by data coming from the Laser
Figure 2. LIDAR (Optech 2003).
4.1 Verification of LIDAR Positional Quality Data
To verify the positional quality of the Laser Scanner data
existing in the work area, as reference, it was utilized 8 points,
positioned by geodetic techniques (GPS and geometric
leveling), which have planialtimetric coordinates with accuracy
of few millimeters. These verification points are identifiable
details in the intensity image generated with data from the Laser
Scanner. On the terrain, they are concrete marks in the form of
a pyramidal trunk with dimensions of 20 x 40 cm and
approximate height of 30 cm in relation to the soil, and are
distributed all over the test area (they are identified with * in
Figure 4). The intensity image employed in this research was
obtained from a regular grid with spacing of 40 cm. The
intensity image was employed just to obtain the approximate
coordinates of the points of verification selected. These
approximate coordinates are input data in the search for the
non-interpolated coordinates in the original text file proceeding
from the Laser Scanner. The search process entailed the
following stages:
- in the original file, the neighbor points are separated to the
approximate coordinate within a 1 m radius circle.
- for the definition of the point coordinate, two criteria must be
met: firstly, the proximity, and the secondly, the point
researched must be the point of highest altitude (h).
From the comparison of the geodetic coordinates of the check
points and the respectives generated by LIDAR, one has the
results presented in Table 1.
The average planimetric discrepancy (dR) obtained in the
verification conducted between the coordinates of the
verification points and the ones obtained from LIDAR was of
0.254 m. The averages resulting in dN, dE show a normal
distribution of the discrepancies obtained, exempting the data
from possible systematic errors. The results obtained in the
altimetry also show a normal distribution in the residues and a
standard error of 0.109 m. The accuracy results obtained in this
verification are compatible with the nominal precision offered
by the manufacturer of the system.