Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

B3. Istanbul 2004 
he form provides 
(0o,o2P^!X (5) 
or; A, the coef- 
£, the vector of 
or; P, the weight 
e number of laser 
meters are solved 
in^ yw (6) 
ent errors are re- 
| that register the 
the ground. The 
tural control enti- 
ny, if any, control 
ol information will 
These entities are 
rface constraints. 
given point posi- 
) +s1 =0 (7) 
, and ex,ey,ez 
noted that linear 
f control informa- 
it procedure, ob- 
lementation con- 
ace elements that 
1e laser strips are 
ties. In a similar 
ent surfaces that 
0 a priori surface 
faces). Their ap- 
the data and re- 
nent. The identi- 
t of the strip ad- 
strip adjustment 
able tie regions in 
ation. The iden- 
ducted under the 
ntation here con- 
gions and points 
strip adjustment, 
ere not too many 
h the partition of 
ce of a segmenta- 
|) is based on the 
d regions for per- 
The dependency 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1: Segmentation of the overlapping part of two parallel 
on surface parameters implies that noisy data can result in 
noisy parameters. Therefore, attenuation of the noise com- 
ponent in the laser data, or in other words regularization of 
the laser surfaces becomes mandatory. 
The segmentation algorithm that was developed for this pur- 
pose is based on clustering the laser points was (see Filin, 
2002). The implementation is based on computing a feature 
vector for each laser point followed by an unsupervised clas- 
sification of the attributes in a feature space. In the feature 
space each point is represented by its feature vector, where 
the values of the feature vector determine the laser point co- 
ordinates in this space. Clusters are then identified according 
to proximity of points in feature space. Validation and refine- 
ment phases follow the extraction of clusters from the feature 
space. The validation phase concerns verification that indeed 
all of the cluster points are part of one surface, and the refine- 
ment phase tests the extension of the cluster to neighboring 
points or neighboring clusters. The validation and refinement 
phases are controlled by the fitting accuracy of an analytical 
surface to the point clusters, where upper and lower bounds 
for the fitting accuracy are set to avoid under and over seg- 
mentation. The choice of fitting accuracy as a control fits 
well to the strip adjustment application. In general, segmen- 
tation algorithms tend to aggregate points that are part of 
the same physical surface, sometimes on the expense of the 
overall accuracy of the fitted surface. In the current case 
where the reconstruction of the actual physical surface is of 
somewhat less importance the accuracy criterion allows to 
generate surface with a given level of accuracy and include 
points within it that indeed belong to it. The results of the 
point clustering algorithm are presented in Figure 1 and show 
that the accuracy criterion allows still to reconstruct well the 
physical surfaces. As one can notice the segmentation results 
segment both the ground and detached objects, which is dif- 
ferent than filtering algorithms that usually extract the bare 
earth only. 
4 Discussion and Results 
The surface based model allows the application of the strip 
adjustment procedure over general surfaces and with the seg- 
mentation algorithm natural as well as man-made surface can 
be incorporated into the adjustment. Estimation of the bi- 
ases does not require the existence of any distinct landmarks 
or flat horizontal surfaces either as control or tie entities in 
the overflown area. As a result there are only little restric- 
tions on initial condition in which the model can be applied. 
The algorithm does not require knowledge of the correspon- 
dence between the laser points and their actual location on 
the ground, mostly because of the association of points to 
surfaces from the outset. As surface elements are defined 
here explicitly via the point clustering algorithm, problems 
due to occlusion or height jumps that occur when comparing 
points to TIN based surfaces are avoided with this represen- 
tation. Equation 4 allows the derivation of criteria for the 
estimation of the different parameters. As can be noticed, 
over horizontal or near horizontal areas the positional biases 
cannot be estimated well or estimated very weakly. The esti- 
mation of these biases require sloped surfaces. The inability 
to recover some errors over horizontal surfaces indicates the 
simple fact that the effect of these errors is unnoticeable. Fol- 
lowing similar analysis to the one performed in Filin (2003a), 
one can see that the estimation of the positional offsets re- 
quires surfaces with slopes in different directions. Steeper 
slopes contribute to smaller variances and the variation in 
normal directions reduces the correlation between the esti- 
mates. Experience shows that even modest slopes of about 
10 percent are sufficient for obtaining estimates with small 
Considering the approximation of the system observations. In 
general the geolocation of a laser point requires 14 observa- 
tions — eight system measurements (GPS, INS, and the laser 
scanner measurements), and six more for the offset vector 
and the mounting bias. The user is usually provided only with 
the three coordinates of the laser point. Therefore the error 
recovery model requires these observations to be recovered. 
Equation 4 shows however that for the offsets the influence of 
the observations does not appear on the left-hand-side of the 
equation but only in the right-hand-side which refers to the 
differences between the laser point position and the control 
or tie surface, these differences can be computed by the given 
laser point coordinates. As a result for the computation of 
the offsets, there is no need for approximation of the system 
observations. The data that is usually provided in the form 
of the z, y, z coordinates of the laser point can be regarded 
as sufficient. 
The application of the model with the computation of the 
offsets per strip is demonstrated over the Eelde area in the 
Netherlands. The dataset consists of twenty strips that are 
composed of two sub-blocks of ten parallel strips each where 
one sub-block crosses the other. The flight configuration is 
illustrated in Figure 2. No control information was available 
for the adjustment thus forcing an adjustment with tie sur- 
faces only. To avoid rank deficiency an adjustment with a : 
fixed datum constraint was applied by fixing the offset of the 
first strip to zero. 
Tie surfaces were extracted in the overlapping regions of the 
parallel strips of one of the two sub-blocks (see Figure 2), 
and in the overlapping region between the two sub-blocks. 
As Figure 2 shows the same region could have appeared in 
four individual strips, and thus be segmented four times. To 
avoid multiple segmentations of the same area, each area was 
segmented only in one strip and corresponding laser points 
from other strips were later referred to that segment. The 
choice of which strip to segment and then what region in 
the strip to segment was performed by ordering the strip and 

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