Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

A. G. Schifer®, R. E. N. Loch™" 
‘Geosciences Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil . 
"Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing e Geoprocessing — Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, 
SC, Brazil - (ruth,alexandro)@ecv.ufsc.br 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, LIDAR, DEM/DTM, Engineering, Environment, Application. 
Laser Altimetry, more referred in the commercial sector as LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) mapping, is establishing as a 
common operational tool in the fields of mapping, remote sensing and fotogrametry. LIDAR can to generate quickly dense and 
accurate digital terrain model. For applications that need digital terrain models with high density and accuracy, as in projects of 
highway engineering, LIDAR offers only technical capacities, it reduces costs of field operations, and reduces the time of post- 
processing work if compared to traditional survey methods. Recently it was accomplished in Brazil one of the first surveying for 
application in projects of implantation of highways using that new technology. This survey was made in a corridor with 
approximately 22 Km by 0,75 Km in a rural area. Also in that project, a mosaic was generated obtained from ortophotos with the 
purpose of facilitating the extraction of terrain characteristics. The present paper tells the application of LIDAR data obtained in that 
project and of ortophotos mosaic in a pioneering project of engineering higway in Brazil. In the made study, it was chosen a stretch 
with approximately 1,8 Km by 0,75 Km to investigate the applications of products to lidar as DEM and DTM and ortophotos mosaic 
for a highway project. The direct influence area was evaluated from the highway to be implanted, considering the environmental 
aspects directly affected for the implantation of the work. Figure 
1 INTRODUCTION The technological evolution happened in last decades brought 
new means of acquiring terrain information, as Airborne Laser 
To warrant effective attendance of environmental requirements Scanning, also known by LIDAR (Light Detection and Thus, tl 
an highway enterprise should be managed according to a Ranging). With this technology, it is had an alternative for DTM and b) 
system structured that it considers, integrate and articulate all acquisition. With data acquisition using LIDAR make possible of LID 
environmental elements, in all activities and technical DTM generation in few days, accurately of decimeters, the that integrat 
operations. Thus, there are need of territory physical mean advantages for higway implantation projects. when Researc 
knowledge, of property and of socioeconomic subjects, because compared to traditional DTM obtaining methods. LIDAR also product 
these are fundamental for several studies realized makes possible the construction of Digital Surface 2002; ı 
(topographical, environmental, hydrologic, geometric project, Model(DSM). scaneri: 
of earthwork, drainage and of paving) for a highway Same being a great use possibilities presents technology aerophc 
implantation project. highway projects mapping for projects rodoviários, besides Steps d 
In this context, is perceived the importance of detailed being taken into account the environmental subject, is still small Therefo 
knowledge of area where can come to be implanted a highway the researches in world that allow a larger LIDAR technology 3.1 LID 
so that it can alter minimum possible the ambient and to avoid knowledge and of your possible applications. Thus, this study 3.2 lanc 
highway operacionality risks. Modern techniques of remote aim at to contribute for a) LIDAR technology, and b) the 3.3 gen 
sensing provide the place knowledge and bring subsidies for evaluation of your utilization, making use of LIDAR products, Surface 
project realization facilitating hysical knowledge of area where of orthophotos mosaic and of both integration for the thematic 3.4 crea 
the highway will be implanted. The use of aerial photographies analysis of a highway stretch. 3.5 ther 
in highway implantation projects is a well accepts practice in 
highway engineering. The large scale aerial photographies are 3.1 LID 
important in preliminary stages and in final phase of a 2 AREA OF STUDY 
surveying, because they provide a vision of area showing LIDAR 
existent conditions in a particular moment. To observe in them The study area comprehend a strip of approximately 1700m of installa 
the surface elements and, with that, to establish the relationship length for 750m of width and it is located in Luis Alves-SC- of laser 
among geology, cultural and invironmental factors, is important Brasil municipal district. The new projected highway will have POS di 
for assessments of engineering project impacts in environment. 22 km of length approximately and it will unite sections in obtaine« 
An important product for highway engineering projects that can growing economical activity to the interligar the paved traditior 
be obtained from aerial photographies and of photogrammetry highways SC-413 to north and BR-470 to south of projected 84 Syste 
is the Digital Terrain Model (DTM). At first DTM was used for connection. Figure 1 show orthophotos mosaic of study area. informa 
the determination of cut-and-fill volumes in earthworks, and phenom 
nowadays it is used in highway project. Besides, terrain to accoi 
modelling techniques can also be used to create digital models Was acc 
of highway proposed project. Possibility to combine the project and mat 
and terrain models propitiates a more realist visualization that Toe a 
highway implantation impact can cause in environment. 

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