Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

a. The method 
a 3D triangle- 
ant roof planes 
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n laser scanner 
airborne laser 
uilding model 
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1e method uses 
scanner point 
ach triangle in 
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n those points 
angles of roof 
nner points of 
planes of each 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
laser scanner point cloud are tested for valid intersections in 
order to complete the roof. The reconstructed roofs are then 
assessed for their correctness and accuracy. 
At the start, some preliminary information is provided about the 
data. The proposed method has been applied to two different 
data sets. The first data set has an average point spacing of 
1.5m This point spacing means that smaller features of houses, 
such as dorms, cannot be mapped. The standard deviation of 
point coordinates within one stripe is in x and y about 30 cm 
and in z 20 cm. The data was taken in Switzerland in an alpine 
region and contains mainly gable roofs. The second data set is 
rasterised data with a point spacing of Im. This data set covers 
several streets of Dresden, Germany, where buildings have 
rather complex roof structures. 
For the study, 100 point clouds each containing only one 
building including some surrounding ground points, have been 
extracted from each of the laser scanner datasets. 
[Hofmann 2002] gives an example for the process of extracting 
such laser point clouds automatically. The extracted point 
clouds contain buildings with common roof types such as pent, 
gable and hip roofs. Some of the buildings also have 
combinations of them. 
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Figure 2-1. A building’s point cloud with TIN-structure 
The basic idea of the developed method is that all triangles of a 
TIN in the laser scanner points of a planar surface (in this case a 
roof face) should have the same position parameters in object 
space. Collecting all triangles with similar parameters should 
therefore gather all laser points of one roof face; a building 
modelling procedure can be applied to planes interpolated into 
the laser points of each roof face. The following section will 
describe the method of grouping laser points of roof faces and 
the building model reconstruction procedure. The following 
paragraph explains the basic parameters of the approach. 
In many cases the selected laser scanner point cloud of one 
building contains data from multiple strips. In this approach the 
points of each strip have been analysed individually to avoid 
inconsistencies in the case of their strip discrepancies. In each 
strip's point cloud a TIN-structure is calculated with a Delaunay 
triangulation using the module Triangle [Shewchuk 1996]. 
Figure 2-1 shows an example. To obtain parameters for further 
analyses, the three points of each triangle are used to calculate 
parameters of the plane. In describing each triangles position 
in space uniquely, the following parameters were used: Slope, 
Orientation and the minimal distance of the triangles plane to 
the origin, below referred to as Distance. Figure 3-1 illustrates 
the chosen parameters. 
Figure 3-1. Triangle parameters € slope, € orientation and d 
minimal distance of the triangles plane to the origin O 
Figure 3-2 shows the distribution of these triangle parameters 
for the building of Figure 2-1. Each parameter point in Figure 
3-2 represents one mesh in the TIN-structure of Figure 2-1. The 
abscissas represent orientation values (0 to 360 degree), the 
ordinate of the upper image slope values (0 to 90 degree) and 
the ordinate of the lower image the distance d [m]. Within this 
parameter space two clusters with roof properties can be made 
out at a first glance. The next section will describe the 
algorithm that was used to group parameter points of roof 
triangles. The association of cluster points to single roof faces 
is discussed in section 3.2. The modelling of the roof itself is 
described in section 3.3 
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roof cluster 
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Figure 3-2. Example of a building's 3D parameter space 
3.1 Cluster Analysis 
There are several basic clustering techniques, such as 
partitioning, hierarchical, divisive, agglomerative or k-means 
methods, as described by [Anderberg 1973] and 
[Kaufmann 1990], which the researcher can choose from, while 
searching for the optimal application for its data. For this study 
it was decided to apply an agglomerative approach using single 
linkage. The procedure is as follows: Starting from a randomly 
chosen seed point, the distances to all direct neighbours in 
parameter space are calculated. If one distance is smaller than a 
certain threshold, the point is grouped to the seed point. This 
search is repeated until no direct neighbour of any point 
belonging to the group is found. Single linkage hereby means 
that the size of the clusters is not limited in any direction. The 
shape as well as the extension of the clusters is not relevant. 
After completing a cluster a new random seed point is chosen 
and the search starts again. Each point is treated only once. A 
cluster is only accumulated if a sufficient number of points are 
collected. Each cluster contains the parameter points of one 

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