Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
planar surface. The cluster algorithm is explained in detail in 
[Hofmann 2003]. 
The single linkage is necessary, as the sizes of the clusters vary 
with the roofs inclination and position to the origin and with the 
laser scanner data accuracy in z. Here, the error model of the 
laser scanner data was simplified by making the assumption that 
within a small area planimetric errors are highly correlated as 
they are mainly caused by the GPS/INS system on board. 
Hence, for laser points of one flight strip within small objects, 
only the accuracy in z must be taken into account. With 
increasing inaccuracy of the laser scanner data and with 
increasing point density, the clusters swell in size and the 
borders of the clusters get fuzzier. 
The single linkage connection also has the advantage that 
parameter points of triangles of not planar but continuous 
surfaces are collected in one cluster. In later analysis it will be 
possible to create multiple regions (smaller planes) from one 
cluster with the awareness that the planes should be connected. 
This may be advantageous for roofs with multiple inclinations. 
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Figure 3-3. Association of parameter points to roof faces 
3.2 Interpolate roof faces 
At this stage of the analysis a number of clusters exists, that 
contain parameter points of planar surfaces. As can be seen in 
Figure 3-2, some parameter points originated from triangles 
representing walls group to clusters as well. These clusters are 
to be excluded from further analysis. The centre point of each 
cluster is calculated. If its slope in parameter space exceeds 
75 degree, the cluster is rejected as a wall object. 
The remaining clusters are now fed into the roof face 
interpolation process. The parameter points of each cluster are 
sorted in descending order by their distance to the cluster 
centre. The parameter point that is closest to the cluster centre 
is identified in the TIN-Structure. Following a simple region 
growing technique all neighbours of that triangle are evaluated 
whether they occur within the cluster or not. If that is not the 
case, but they still fit the clusters main properties the 
appropriate neighbour is added to the region. Each parameter 
point of a cluster is analysed only once. Figure 3-3 visualises 
the association of parameter points of a cluster to the according 
roof face. It can be seen that outliers of laser points resulting in 
triangles that do not fit the characteristics of the roof face are 
not included as potential roof points. 
In the explained algorithm, multiple regions may be extracted 
out of one cluster. Figure 3-4 demonstrates that on the right 
roof face two regions have been extracted out of one cluster. 
This may happen when there are problems with the scan line 
registration. Complete rows of triangles have a different 
orientation in object space than the actual roof face. The 
advantage of the proposed method is obvious. A simple region- 
growing algorithm might not associate the single bright grey 
regions with each other without collecting too many triangles in 
other situations. Interestingly, this building's model has been 
reconstructed successfully (see Figure 4-1). 
Figure 3-4. Multiple regions within one roof face, 
view from top 
Al regions extracted from one cluster are analysed on their 
mergence with other regions of this cluster. They should be 
merged in situations such as seen in Figure 3-4. If multiple 
larger regions have been extracted out of one cluster, they might 
belong to individual roof faces and should thus not be merged. 
A region that has one single triangle is, if possible, merged with 
a neighbouring region. 
All laser scanner points that belong to triangles of a roof face 
large enough to be detected are now gathered to groups. In 
each group a plane is interpolated and a coarse bounding box is 
determined. Equation 3.1 shows the chosen plane equation. a, 
b and c correspond to the normal vector of the interpolated 
plane and d is the offset parameter. X, Y and Z are the 
directions of the object space coordinate system. The plane 
parameters a, b and c are derived by applying a principal 
component analysis to the point group. d can be calculated by 
applying a planes point to equation 3.1. 
aX+bY+cZ+d=0 (3.1) 
The coarse bounding box of each region is necessary to aid the 
intersection procedure. t is created using the lowest and 
highest point and the points that are the resp. furthest on the left 
and right side of the region. Using the constraint that the lower 
edge (gutter) and upper edge (ridge) of a roof are very close to 
being horizontal, horizontal lines are fit in the according points. 
Perpendicular to them, lines are defined through the outer 
points of the region. 
3.3 Intersecting roof faces 
At this stage of the building model reconstruction procedure a 
number of plane objects exists, that still need to be associated 
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