Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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Istanbul 2004 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The laser point cloud that the method requires can be obtained 
in different ways. The laserscanner data can be segmented with 
an image processing tool and the building polygons are than 
used to select the appropriate points. If ground plans are 
available, they can be used instead of the building polygons. 
An operator can also select point clouds manually. Thus, the 
method can be applied under various circumstances 
Section 4 confirms that successfully reconstructed buildings 
models can be an alternative to photogrammetric models 
measured in normal aerial imagery. The accuracy in height is 
superior to these photogrammetric models. The position 
accuracy thought it depends on the point density, still has to be 
Furthermore, the algorithm is quite sensitive to errors in the 
laser scanner data. Poor data accuracy will prevent any result. 
For optimal results strip information should be supplied with 
the laser scanner data. If the strip information does not come 
with the data and the strips have not been adjusted sufficiently, 
the triangle structure will not represent the roof face properties; 
the roof is not detected. However, the method can also process 
rasterised data. 
Figure 5-1. Example of building primitive reconstructed from 
the 3D cluster analysis information 
In further work this approach will be extended to also be able to 
process flat roofs. This has not been yet possible because of the 
error definition of the laser scanner data. Occasionally it 
happens that only one roof face is detected and modelled. Still, 
a tool has to be written that checks the laser point cloud if there 
might be an opposite roof face. 
Regarding the success of the method as a function of the mean 
laser point distance, further analyses have to be invested 
especially in the parameter space. Limits of the method such as 
minimal possible laser point density and minimal laser scanner 
accuracy that can be handled still have to be found. Within this 
analysis the accuracy of the resulting models has to be 
This work was partly funded by the Swiss Federal Office of 
Topography. We thank the Swiss Federal Office of Topography 
and the Dam Authority of Saxony (LTV Sachsen) for providing 
the laser scanner data sets. The author acknowledges the 
contribution of Ellen Schwalbe’s work within the project. 
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