Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
2.2 Calculating best-fit planar of point cloud 
The best-fit plane in each sub-node is determined using least- 
squares estimation, i.e.j minimizing the squares sum of the 
distances from points to the fitting plane. In the 3D Euclid 
space, a 3D plane can be formulated as follows: 
Ax t By Cz DzO (1) 
z^ ; d. = T : P NV 
l'he distance ( ^/) from the i" point 4,271) 
can be expressed as: 
to the plane 
dim ado, x CR 
Poo eB uc (2) 
Then, the best-fit condition of minimizing the squares sum of 
the distances will be: 
Nd => min 
z (3) 
Eq. (2) is non-linear, so that it needs initial approximation 
values of the unknown parameters (A, B, C, D) for the 
calculation of least-squares estimation. To solve this problem, 
we use a two-stage calculation to determine the unknown 
At first stage, a 3D plane is formulated as a slope-intercept form, 
which has 3 types as Eq. (4): 
z=ax+by+c (4) 
To avoid the situation of obtaining infinite numbers for a and b 
parameters, which slope-intercept form is suitable can be 
predetermined according to the distribution ranges of the point 
cloud. Figure 2 shows the idea. The outer frames in Fig. 2 
represent the sub-node spaces, and the inner frames represent 
the distribution ranges of the point cloud. The decision can be 
done by checking the minimum distribution range. For example, 
if x dimension has the minimum distribution range, then the 
first type is the choice. 
T = 
4 / 
Y A a dii 
X [I all 
X-Range=Min Y-Range=Min Z-Range=Min 
| | | 
Plane type 1 Plane type 2 Plane type 3 
x=ayv+hz+e o  ymedxtbz-kc- zeaxtbyee 
Figure 2. The ideas of selecting a suitable slope-intercept form. 
Because the slope-intercept form is linear, the parameters can 
be calculated without the need of iteration. The least-squares 
linear regression can be applied to determine the plane 
parameters. For example, if the slope-intercept form, 
X=ay ZC : i S oil 
y +bz+e , is used, the matrix form of the observation 
equations can be listed as follows: 
Fus A Ami] 
| v, |y, 2 | a| |" 
| M=|M M M »|-| M 
y ? =, 1c N (5) 
The calculation in this stage actually is to minimize the squares 
sum of the x ranges from points to the fitting plane rather the 
perpendicular distances. After the parameters are determined, 
the x range residuals can be calculated. Split will proceed 
continuously if there is a residual larger than the preset 
threshold, otherwise rigorous calculation of the second stage 
will be triggered. 
Eq. 2 is applied for the rigorous calculation. Given the solution 
in the first stage as the initial approximation, the rigorous 
adjustment is performed iteratively. Following the use of the 
slope-intercept form, Eq. 2 can be reformed as: 
ds Fa. b.c) - je, +ay, DZ, + d 
NED +a xb (7) 
The observation equations can be obtained by linearizing Eq. 7: 
; a, Ab, Ac F 
In Eq. 8, the parameters ^ AD. AC sre increments of unknown 
parameters. The increments will be added into the previous 
approximations until the calculated increments get to very small. 
The best-fit plane is determined if the computation converges. 
The distance residuals can be calculated after the parameters are 
solved. Again, split will proceed continuously if there is a 
residual larger than the preset threshold, otherwise a plane is 
2.3 Area of the point cloud on a fitting plane 
The point cloud in a sub-space may not distribute evenly on the 
sub-node. In order to find a suitable node size corresponding to 
the distributing of point cloud, area of the point cloud is 
checked for further splitting. For example, area of unbalanced 
distributing points in Figure 3 is smaller than the area of face of 
sub-node. Split can proceed further, until the area of 
distributing points on each fitting plane is larger than a preset 
ó : 
lee o) 
Figure 3. An example of unbalanced distribution of points 
Point cloud of each best plane in sub-node is than searching its 
boundary and building its TIN for visual purpose. Figure 4 is 
the example of source lidar points cloud before split. Figure 5 a, 

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