Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 9. Airborne lidar example (a) point cloud (b) results after 
split (c) results after merge (d) classify by area (e) classify by 
Gradient (f) classify by average intensity 
Computation time for split process 25.48 sec. 
Computation time for merge process 403.132 sec 
Number of the total octree layers 9 
Number of the total leave nodes 42090 
Extracted planes and 96 of the total points 
30013, 96.7% 
Number of nodes have less than 3 points 12077 
Table 2. Airborne laserscan information 
4.2 Ground lidar example 
Figure 9.a shows the original point cloud of the ground lidar 
example. Extracted planes shown in Figure 9.b containing 
98.7% of the total points. Figure 9.c shows the results after the 
merge process. Figure 9.d, e, f, shows the results of merged 
plane classified by area, gradient, average intensity respectively. 
In Figure 9.e horizontal planes and vertical planes of the stairs 
in front of the Gate can be classified obviously. Wall and roof 
of the Gate and ground plane can be classified too. 
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