Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

}. Istanbul 2004 
1e ground lidar 
9.b containing 
results after the 
ults of merged 
ity respectively. 
ies of the stairs 
. Wall and roof 
Fig . 9. Ground lidar example (a) point cloud (b) results after 
split (c) results after merge (d) classify by area (e) classify by 
Gradient (f) classify by average intensity 
24.27 sec. 
360.96 sec. 
Number of the total octree layers 10 
Computation time for split process 
Computation time for merge process 
Number of the total leave nodes 19803 
Extracted planes and % of the total points used | 10944, 98.7% 
Number of nodes have less than 3 points 4323 
Table 3. Ground laserscan information 
Sub-randomly distributed point cloud of lidar data needs an ad 
hoc segmentation method for the extraction of spatial 
information. This paper proposes an octree-based split-and- 
merge segmentation method to divide lidar data into clusters of 
3D planes and can apply to bath airborne and ground lidar data. 
The thresholds designed in the algorithm can be adjusted to fit 
different data sets. We expect this segmentation method can be 
à stepping stone and applying to the other application of lidar 
data. For example: 
e 3D Feature extraction and coordinate measurement --- 
3D spatial geometric properties (line and point)can be 
explore by intersection of the extracted 3D planes. 
e Building reconstruction --- extracted 3D features can be 
analysis to reconstruct the building models. 
e Classification — Attributes derived from 3D planes can be 
used to classify different meaningful information of 
e Data filtering and compression --- points were not used 
to form planes can be filtered out and densely distributed 
on a plane can be express by the 4 plane parameters and 
boundary to reduce data size. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Further study is needed to improvement and modification the 
proposed method to fit various applications of both airborne and 
ground based lidar data. 
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The authors deeply appreciate the provision of the airborne 
Lidar data by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R. O. 

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