Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
(a) (b) 
Figure 2: (a) Black cells have already been visited whereas 
gray ones are potential candidates for propagating (see Figure 
1). Z eund local 18 calculated by averaging elevation over black 
cells. (b) Illustration of the linear correction. Empty circles are 
laser points. Black dash lines are the estimated local ground 
Lio local Without linear correction whereas gray dash lines 
are the estimated local ground 2 round local after linear correc- 
3.3 Post-processing 
Let us introduced now an intermediate class called low non- 
ground points. This class is a buffer with low vegetation features, 
cars and sparse medium height micro-relief. À laser point pt be- 
longs to this class if pt.z € [Sin + 0, Sin + 2m] where a is 
the tolerance on ground points. The next step of our algorithm 
consists of an iterative convergence toward a stable state of Sin 
whereupon laser points will change their label depending on this 
belonging to this intermediate class. Point label may change and 
Sin 1s updated. The process carries on until convergence of the 
algorithm (no longer label movement). 
The last step consists of comparing the classified point cloud with 
the final DTM (after deformation, section 3.4). Points lower than 
$ y 4- 0.5m belong to the ground. 
3.4 Deformable Model 
The estimated ground surface S;n is of importance for classify- 
ing laser points: the more accurate the surface, the more rele- 
vant the classification. Nevertheless, the multiple pass filter will 
force the continuity of the ground estimation. Topographic de- 
tails will therefore be smoothed (80% overlapped neighborhood) 
sidesteping major ground descriptive laser points. Seeing that 
surveying micro relief is a major characteristic of airborne laser 
technology, it is necessary to take these points into account when 
estimating the true ground surface. Secondly, the resolution of 
this surface is coarse mainly for computing time efficiency. Con- 
sidering laser performances, we may fairly expect to have a final 
hight resolution DTM with a micro detail description (modulo the 
point density). We will therefore consider this surface Sin as an 
initial input of a deformable model algorithm. 
This method has similarities with active shape models, but we 
will consider attractors belonging exclusively to the ground (fol- 
lowing criteria of the classification algorithm). We will not 
describe in this paper the whole theoretical framework of de- 
formable models (Montagnat et al., 2000) (Fua and Leclerc, 
1994) (Fua, 1997) (Metaxas and Kakadiaris, 2002), but only the 
main hypothesis and the functions we used for airborne laser ap- 
The energy of a deformable model is composed of several terms 
including at least an intrinsic regularizing term £,eg and a data 
term £54. The energy of the surface S is defined by: 
EIS) = Ercg(S) + £i S) 
Note that S must belong to the set of square integrable functions, 
Vis Vici 
j 2-1 
1 1 
( | | ( 
| | 
> | | 
9 Geocoded 
S sp sob ad 
> à Grid 
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: a NN © ses o 9 
o L i a Q 
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o 2 9 9 o o 
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Figure 3: Vi; represents the neighborhood at grid cell (i, j) 
whereas V;4.1,; is the next neighborhood extraction following the 
propagation route. Empty circles are common laser points, which 
will be consecutively processed. The ground estimation is per- 
formed onto Sin(t, 7), Sin(t + 1,7). using points classified 
as ground within a laser neighborhood V;,j, Vi+1,;j -- 
and be twice differentiable. We admit that the energy functional 
is built such that its global minimum coincide with the expected 
solution Sy: 
S; min E(S) 
The regularizing term has a stabilizer role since the data term is 
usually very irregular and shows a large amount of local minima. 
In our implementation, Sy is approximated by the minimum of 
equation 4: 
E(S) = min (wee + mes) (4) 
DE dd 
We used an Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) algorithm (Li, 
1995) (Zinger et al., 2002) for computing a local minimum. In 
this context, S is discretized over a regular grid. The grid nodes 
(4, j) are the movable DTM values. For each grid node, the cost 
function is calculated for a large set of quantified values the sur- 
face can have. We then attributes to the grid node the value which 
minimizes the cost function. 3D laser points are treated as attrac- 
tors and we define the data local energy £e») of Sn by 
Lj SG D -:0 if 289) exists : 
5) = ( a( 33) a a , (5) 
0 if not. 
which is the Euclidean distance between the actual surface Sn 
and the corresponding orthogonal laser attractor 263) Within the 
ISM algorithm, the minimization is performed over the following 
values of Sn 
S553) zS$,-1( 53) Fóz ng €m € nama« 
with Sno (4, j) = min(z0?, SE G, j)) (6) 
Snmas (i) = max(zP, Ss (5.3) 
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