Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Istanbul 2004 
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the Deutsche 
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rtationen, No. 
System zur 
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des TNT der 
uttgart, 162 p. 
dge Detection. 
and Machine 
to derive a 
. International 
., and Tonjes, 
vledge based 
‘borne Remote 
nputer Vision. 
23 p. 
Detection with 
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mert, F., 1990. 
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, 104 p. 
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f Curvilinear 
Analysis and 
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and, A. (Ed.): 
poration, New 
J. Gao and L. Wu 
School of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand 
Commission III, Working Group 111/4 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing; Mapping; Extraction; IKONOS; Automation; Urban 
In this study we developed a spatial reasoning-based method of automatically extracting roads in a densely populated suburb of 
Auckland, New Zealand from IKONOS data. First, all of the four multispectral bands were grouped into 20 clusters in an 
unsupervised classification, two of which corresponded to road networks. This intermediate result was then converted into a binary 
image of road and non-road pixels. This binary image was then further processed with spatial reasoning in two ways. First, all 
isolated or small clusters of pixels were examined spatially to determine if there were other isolated pixels in their immediate vicinity. 
If no neighbouring pixels were found, they were considered as noise and removed from the image. If neighbouring pixels were 
found, their position in relation to the pixel under consideration was further analyzed. If they were aligned with existing pixels along 
a certain orientation, then they were regarded as a portion of a disjoined road and retained in the output image. Seconds, these 
disjoined road segments were later joined together to form a road network. The extracted road network was unified to a constant 
width because trees planted along both sides of a road caused its width to vary in different sections. The detected results using a 
threshold of six pixels show that most roads can be extracted at a reasonable accuracy level. 
Roads in dynamic cities tend to change very frequently even 
within a short period of time. Road maps of these areas have to be 
updated periodically, preferably from current satellite images to 
meet the urgent need of urban planners. With the advances in 
remote sensing, more and more high quality and fine spatial 
resolution satellite images have become available from different 
platforms. For instance, the recently emerged IKONOS satellite 
imagery has a spatial resolution of 4 m in the multispectral mode 
and of 1 m in the panchromatic mode. These images enable the 
extraction of even minor streets in urban areas. They have raised a 
renewed possibility of timely and efficiently updating changed 
road networks in urban areas. 
Extraction of road networks from remote sensing images can be 
accomplished either manually or automatically. Manual extraction 
is subject to the analyst’s experience and skills. Roads can be 
recognized reasonably well even from noisy images that contain 
incomplete information about roads if s/he is familiar with the 
study area. However, this manual method is expensive and time- 
consuming. By comparison, automatic extraction of road network 
information involves significantly less time and expense, even 
though it is more complex methodologically. 
Automatic extraction of roads from satellite images faces several 
challenges because the image appearance of roads depends upon 
the spatial resolution of the satellite images. In addition, the 
extraction is hampered by noise on satellite images. Ground 
objects such as trees along a street can obstruct the image of roads. 
Vehicles on the road may cover certain parts of a road and make it 
difficult to detect on the image. 
So far various automatic methods have been developed to extract 
roads from satellite images. These methods fall into five broad 
categories: ridge finding, heuristic reasoning, dynamic 
programming (DP), statistical tracking, and map matching (Xiong, 
2001). Ridge finding is a classic method in which an input 
image is edge-filtered to obtain the magnitude and direction 
of linear features, including roads (Nevatia and Babu, 1980). 
Wang et al. (1992) developed a way of detecting ridges from 
SPOT data. In this gradient direction profile analysis method 
four predefined directions for each pixel are calculated first 
and the gradient direction for a pixel is the direction of the 
maximum slope among the four defined directions around the 
pixel. The road segments have the same ridge direction and it 
is perpendicular to the gradient directions of the pixels with 
the bridge. Analysis of the gradient profile will generate the 
ridge pixels. The road network or segment can be obtained by 
linking all the ridge points. Steger (1996) introduced 
differential geometry to ridge finding. This method uses 
curve or surface fitting techniques to locate ridges on remote 
sensing imagery. If the image intensity surface is represented 
by a mathematical equation, the first and second derivatives 
of the equation can be analyzed to locate edges. 
In DP, roads are modelled as a set of mathematical equations. 
The derivatives of the grey values perpendicular to the 
direction normal to the road tend to be maximized, while 
derivatives along the road direction are minimized. Roads 
appear to be straight lines or smooth curves. Their local 
curvature has an upper bound. DP is advantageous in finding 
curves in noisy pictures, for it can bridge weakly connected 
feature elements automatically while the program searches 
for optimal solutions (Gruen and Li, 1995). 
Statistical inference models are particularly suitable for 
detecting roads with complexity and uncertainty (e.g. bridges, 
road width variation, vehicles and shadows on the roads and 
image noises, etc). Barzohar and Cooper (1996) explored the 
method further and developed a stochastic approach that can 
be applied to automatic extraction of highly sophisticated 
roads. A geometric-stochastic model formulates road width, 
direction, grey level intensity and background intensity as a 

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