Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
stochastic process using Gibbs distributions. Roads are found by 
maximum a posteriori probability estimation. 
Geman and Jedynak (1996) developed another statistical model to 
track roads through hypothesis testing. This approach uses the 
testing rule that is computed from the empirical joint distributions 
of tests (matched filters for short road segments) to determine 
whether the hypothesis (road position) is true or not. The tests are 
performed sequentially and an uncertainty or entropy 
minimization procedure is devised to facilitate testing decisions so 
that new tests can be analytically identified. Although this method 
works best for coarse resolution images, it is also adaptable to 
fine-resolution images (Xiong, 2001). Tupin et al. (1998) 
proposed a two-step algorithm for almost unsupervised detection 
of linear structures which are treated as road segment candidates. 
During the first step, linear features which are treated as road- 
segment candidates are extracted. In the second step, genuine 
roads among the segment candidates are identified by defining a 
Markov random field (MRF) on a set of segments, which 
introduces contextual knowledge about the shape of road objects. 
The map matching method is adaptable for road network 
extraction in case of a large amount of data on road systems in 
many parts of the world (Maillard and Cavayas, 1989). It 
consisted of two major algorithms. The first algorithm focuses on 
image-map matching to identify roads that can be found on the 
map and the image. The second algorithm searches new roads 
based on the assumption that these new roads are connected to the 
old ones. This automatic approach is suitable for revising 1:50 000 
scale planimetric data using panchromatic SPOT imagery. Stilla 
(1995) developed a syntax-oriented method that uses map 
knowledge as a supportive aid for image interpretation. Road 
network structures are obtained first through map analysis. Then 
image object models are defined and utilized to search for objects 
that fulfil model expectations with a given tolerance. Assessment 
on image objects with respect to its correspondence to the map 
representations results in road object identification for a given 
image scene. 
Without pre-defined parameters or setting any threshold or to 
describe statistically the classes to be extracted in pattern 
recognition, a neural network is an alternative way in road 
network extraction. The commonly used is back-propagation 
network. Fiset and Cavayas (1997) described a map guided 
procedure to automatically extract road network using this 
network. Bhattacharya and Parui (1997) improved back- 
propagation neural network for detection of linear feature from 
IRS and SPOT images with a satisfactory result. 
Differential shakes, also known as deformable contour models, is 
a novel approach for the integration of object extraction and 
image-based geospatial change detection (Agourls, 2001). In this 
method, the extraction is carried out at three levels. At the low 
level of analysis images are characterized and information 
extracted on a pixel by pixel basis using only reflectance/emission 
measurements (e.g., filtering, edge detection, segmentation, etc.). 
At the intermediate level of analysis low level results are 
symbolized and fused to form data structures for the high level 
analysis. The high level analysis involves not only imagery but 
also domain specific knowledge, ancillary sources, and 
symbolized data from the intermediate level results to establish 
reliable interpretation. The program first runs a template-matching 
procedure that localizes potential road pixels, followed by the 
optimization to identify potential road segments. To allow a more 
inclusive search, a relaxed road model is utilized during this 
search. After this search processing, all segments found will be 
considered as a road candidate. Then the supervised ISODATA 
classification procedure is applied to identify whether or not a 
candidate is indeed a road. 
Also known as rule- or knowledge-based method, the 
heuristic method makes use of the human vision system. 
Meisels and Mintz (1990) developed a three-stage reasoning 
method for the extraction of simple man-made objects from 
aerial photography. In the low level, image primitives are 
considered as the building blocks of road and identified the 
value by checking the neighbors’ value. During the 
intermediate level analysis image primitives are combined 
with line segments by using the reasoning mechanism. At the 
high level of processing gaps are filled and segments grouped 
by taking into consideration of distance, brightness and 
uniformity among them. This method is flexible when the 
problems concern linear feature alignment and fragmentation. 
The above review indicates that a large number of studies 
have been carried out to detect roads from remote sensing 
images. Some of them have produced satisfactory results. 
However, they are limited in that they are designed for the 
extraction of roads from a particular type of imagery. 
Whenever a different kind of data or geographic region is 
involved, these methods are utterly incapable of the 
In this study we propose a new spatial reasoning-based 
approach to extraction of road networks in urban areas from 4 
m resolution IKONOS imagery. In this environment other 
urban built-up areas can be easily mixed with roads. Besides, 
urban vegetation can also obscure image properties of roads. 
At such a fine resolution level, roads of various widths and 
conditions have their unique spectral properties on the 
imagery. All of these factors make their extraction 
challenging. The challenge is overcome with spatial 
reasoning which takes the spatial arrangements and spatial 
relationship among road pixels into decision making. This 
extraction has been implemented in an environment which is 
not subject to the spatial resolution of the input imagery. 
2.1 Image properties of roads 
As a kind of artificial entities, roads differ from other human- 
made and natural objects in their surface material and 
geometric configuration. Namely, they are usually paved with 
asphalt or concrete, causing them to reflect incident solar 
radiation strongly. A road is linear in shape and has a uniform 
width which varies with its significance. Highways and 
artillery roads are wider than inner city streets. 
On remote sensing imagery roads are recognizable from their 
distinctive tone, texture and shape. Strong reflection of the 
incident radiation causes them to have a uniform light tone on 
remote sensing imagery. Consisting of the same paving 
material, roads have a smooth and identical texture. There is 
a drastic change in tone and texture across road boundaries. 
Geometrically, roads are elongated and spatially continuous. 
They also have a uniform width with small curvatures. Their 
physical appearance on an image, however, is affected by 
image spatial resolution. On a course resolution image, a road 
may not even register or appear to be a narrow line 
represented by a string of pixels. On a fine resolution image, 
however, the same road may appear as an array of cells with 
two parallel boundaries. The spatial continuity of a road 
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