International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
3.2 Joining road segments
There are many methods by which the retained road segments can
be joined together, such as Hough transform (global), optimal
search (local), direction filter (local), overlaying with GIS layers,
and so on. Because of the characteristics of the input image, the
directional cone search method was used in this study. The joining
procedure consists of several steps. The first step is to identify the
end of a road segment through iteration under the assumption that
both the end pixels of a segment are the ends of a road. All pixels
in the image are searched for to determine whether they are the
ends of a road. If a pixel is a road pixel, then a search is carried
out further to determine if there are pixels to its left and its right.
If so, then this pixel is not the end of a road segment. If pixels are
found to lie next to the pixel under consideration, either to its left
or to its right, but not to both of them, then the pixel under
consideration is confirmed as the end of a road. A search is then
carried out to determine whether there is another road end in its
vicinity. If so, and if both clusters are oriented in the same
direction and the distance between them is smaller than the
specified threshold, then they are regarded as different segments
of the same road, and will be joined together to form a longer road.
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Figure 2. Structure of the recursive search.
This operation to determine whether pixel (i, j) is the middle of a
road or its end is executed like this. If pixel (i, j) is a road pixel,
then at least one pixel around it must be a road pixel. The pixel
above it (i-1,j) will be evaluated first. If it is also a road pixel, then
pixels (i, j* 1), (i+1, j+1) and (i+1,j) will be evaluated, as well. If
one of them is a road pixel, then pixel (i, j) is considered as the
middle of a road. No further processing is undertaken. The
program moves on to the next pixel. If none of pixels (i, j*1),
(i+1, j+1) and (i+1,j) is a road pixel, then pixel (i, j) must be the
end of a road. The road segment joining operation is performed on
it. If pixel (i-1,j) is not a road pixel, the program will move on to
pixel (i-1,j+1). If it is a road pixel, pixels (i+1,j), (i+1, j-1)
and (j, j-1) will be evaluated to determine if any of them is a
road pixel. If one of them is a road pixel, then pixel (i, j)
forms the middle of a road and the iteration shifts to the next
pixel. Otherwise, pixel (i, j+1) will be processed in the same
manner as before. This process is repeated until the last pixel
inside the operating window. Because (i, j) is not an isolated
pixel, one of its eight neighboring pixels must be a road pixel.
Figure 3. The downward road segment to be joined with the
end of a road segment linking (i, j).
If the pixel is found to be the end of a road, the road segment
linking operation is performed on it. In this operation, the
cone along the direction is first defined. If pixel (i, j) is a road
pixel and pixel 1 is also a road pixel (Figure 3) and none of
pixels A, B and C is a road pixel, then the search join is
downwards. In Figure 3 the directional cone is defined as
DE, F, GH, 1.3, K, LM, N, OÖ, P, O0, R; S—> ....... The
join search is terminated by either finding the road pixel or
meeting the designated threshold. If a road pixel is found
during the search process, then its coordinates will be
returned as ((i, j) and the pixel found) for the subsequent
connection. If no road pixel is found and the iteration has
reached the threshold, then this pixel is the end of the road,
and the join operation will move on to the next pixel. Similar
road segments in the directions of north, east, west,
southwest, northwest, northeast, and southeast were also
taken into account in the join operation.
After linking, dangling road segments were joined with those
in their immediate vicinity.
3.3 Thinning
Noises in remote sensing images can make the width of a
road vary in different parts. They can also make roads thicker
than the unit width in remote sensing images. Such variations
can be detected by humans in the manual method of road
extraction. In the automatic method of extraction, width of
road networks can be unified through thinning. There are five
requirements for road thinning (Choy, 1994). Connected
image regions should be thinned to connected line structures
(connectivity preservation); approximate end-line locations
should be maintained (no excessive erosion); thinned results
should be minimally 8-connectd (unit — width skeleton); the
thinned results should approximate the medial lines (medial
line approximation); and extraneous spurs caused by thinning
should be minimized (boundary noise immunity). There are
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